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Everything posted by lamarvalley

  1. Good to hear positive thoughts Adriaan. Keep up the good brain waves... can't hurt eh? We got a Wii a few years ago and I thought what fun but felt the fitness part would be a laugh... until I tried it and boy was I surprised how out of shape I was... I worked out on that thing 3 times a week and it made a difference... has been about a year or so now and I'm not sedimentary but I don't really 'work out' ... now I'll have to start all over again but I'm glad you brought it up... I think i'll do it tomorrow
  2. I've used ebony, several varieties and all sand great but are nasal and respiratory nightmares. Masking and vacuums were my salvation but I still only liked it when I was done. I found rosewoods, bubinga, cocbola and snakewood to be nice dark subs ... although all have dense thick dust so I still masked and used suction. IMO, there really is no substitute for the real thing. Stain gets close but no cigar. Having said all this... very impressive build... great work!
  3. Getting answers, even those that we don't want to hear, is great progress. I am happy that you can move on to slowly and methodically determine the allergen. As for the stockings, don't look at it as forever, look at it for now and see where it goes. Day at a time.
  4. Fantastic Mobbsie. The netting is outstanding along with all the little details. Beautiful!
  5. Always looks natural and perfect Ferit. Outstanding! As to valley versus shore... truth is lamar valley is special, to me, and I have a great fondness for it but it is second to a seashore. The waves, the salty air, the sounds, so much activity along with the mystery of the oceans... Lamar valley was picked because I couldn't name just only one ocean related place...LV is great and I love it but a seashore environment is where I will relocate one day.
  6. Later this morning my day will get really exciting.... waiting in a car shop with a daughters car for a few wonderful fun-filled hours so afterward i might have the energy to do a few ratlines. Your ratlines look great Sjors... obviously a muscle pull won't keep a Netherlander down eh?
  7. Okidokie... to set the record straight... the double dog dares were issued by one insane science guy... and I was powerless to resist appartently Upgrades make it special tho. I figured I would follow along dutifully and do as AL suggested... until I actually did and realized I could do better. You'll see... you will see!!
  8. Looks like you're getting a good start on your SF Mark and an excellent indoctrination into the wonderful world of AL from both the inconsistent parts and the vague instructions. I assume you have the SFI and from the deck arrangement. There were some major and minor changes between the versions, naturally some good and some less so. No matter tho for she's a fine ship and a great learning tool... it'll be fun to watch as you bash away
  9. looking great Sjors... you're catching up... I couldn't tie any today... maybe tomorrow?
  10. A strained chest muscle huh? I told you ratlines were dangerous... I knew it!
  11. Alrighty then... you have had your fun.... motorcycles and Sturgis and weddings galore and I and a few others are probably curious but so far the extended family has remained silent. One fellow is under the weather with gnome ailments or he would demand as commodores do.... so I will.... Pics. We want Pics!!! :) :D
  12. After a quick google search of Turnac I think I would spend far more time enjoying that beautiful water and coastline than in a room with little pieces of wood Very nice landscapes!
  13. I'm tying ratlines in a flurry... little pieces of thread are getting snipped here and tied there... I'll be done... I hope...
  14. That is tiny!!! FYI... I don't know if you considered this or if you want to spend more on purchases but Chuck's company Syren, sells 2mm blocks. I know you need a lot of them with all those guns but it might ease some of the frustration of making so many little blocks. Either way, you're doing an incredible job on the ST.... if I even do buy one for myself (it's in the plans someday) I will definitely use this build as a spectacular tutorial.
  15. I think they look great. I don't think they are too big and in reality they are extremely tiny... I'm not sure how you have the patience to make all these parts... repeated many times... I say well done!
  16. Looks fantastic to me Andy. A tutorial on how it should be... have a good voyage oh and yes, we do like that sort of thing with plenty of illuminating sunlight
  17. I think Ferit gets it right... they look good... and you know it . Mine, well, haven't attacked them yet.... maybe later today as it is only 6:30 in the morning and I should be able to carve out a bit o' time.
  18. My ratlines are improving but yours are neater. At least I understand the knots involved and like everything about this hobby, the first time stinks, the second try might improve and eventually a rhythm occurs. They aren't pretty, and they are probably too far apart too but I'm working 'em. I'll put pics on my thread later today... maybe
  19. They look pretty darn good to me Sjors... I think I read something somewhere that said the people of that time were taller than most... so the distance between ratlines might just be perfect.
  20. Very cool John. She looks like two different boats. I like it
  21. I don't know which is 'accurate' but I know which one I like... with ratlines looks crisper and right. I agree... a climber is going to need the transition to get into the crows nest. Looks good My ratlines begin whenever I stop procrastinating
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