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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Nice job on those filler-blocks Captain! I know getting those right is a major hurdle. Congrats!!! Cheers
  2. The Boys out-did themselves Matt! Better give 'em a day off and a barrel of rum to celebrate there success.
  3. I think it would need to be 1:48 scale Greg as it's being made for the Vulture.
  4. I agree with Frank Michael! It's only the first attempt, and after that tasty sounding malt, you'll look at it with brand new eyes. P.S. Now you got me headed for the freezer and blender, to make chocolate malt for myself.
  5. Here's an article about that very subject in .pdf from www.titanic-cad-plans.com http://www.titanic-cad-plans.com/whitestarbuff.pdf?9d7bd4
  6. Looks great Boyd. With you on the lining. Gives it more of that authentic feel.
  7. The boys are doing a great job Matt! I think it's also called a "cap-rail". I can never get all that terminology straight in my head.
  8. Turned out nice and clean Robb! All those little details add up in the end, and will make for a beautiful build.
  9. Here's the link if you haven't already found it Jesse. Some really good pics. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/46-us-brig-syren-by-augie-ms-kit-164-completed/page-1#entry338
  10. I couldn't tell, speaking for myself Jesse, just by looking at the pics without a frame of reference, like the plans or a picture of the finished product. But there in is maybe the answer you need. Maybe check a couple other builds, and check your plans for the right shape. I know the bend at the stern of my ship is pretty abrupt right there.
  11. Glad you're feeling better Jesse! Have you tried using a plank as a method to check the fairing?
  12. Very nice Ken! She's looking more like a tall ship now! Cheers
  13. You're doing a bang-up job on her Tom! That gun-deck view will be awesome when it's done. Cheers
  14. She looks great Dennis. Glad to see you're attacking this with your usual attention to detail!
  15. Alright! I've got to pull up a stool too, while it's still pretty close to ring-side!
  16. Glad you found the solution Michael! You'll have her fixed in no time! Cheers
  17. The hull turned out nice Vince! I'm far from being an expert, but with a problem like that transom, maybe a good approach would be to go through some trial runs with scrap wood first, until you come up with something you can live with. You would think the manual would go into a little more detail with something as important and detailed as the transom. A serious short-coming of a lot of kits. Cheers
  18. Those double-thick letters really make her name stand out nicely Sal!
  19. Wow! Thanks a lot Ken. I know I'll be using that place for a one-stop-shop for brass in the future. Bookmarked!!! Cheers
  20. Sure doesn't look easy working at that small of a scale, but I know with your ingenuity, it'll pass muster with no problem. Cheers
  21. Thanks Ken. I saw the wood one, but was mainly curious about the kind of brass stock you started with. Looks like I'll be hunting down various assortments of brass and copper. Got a mini-torch, but I still need a couple of electric irons.
  22. Nice job on the mast Ken. I gotta ask how those square nuts were made?
  23. They look great Danny! I don't know what it is about that phase of rigging, but every time I see the vangs go up, it seems to give the ship that finished look. I feel bad for Pud though, with all that temptation always staring him in the face, resistance is futile.
  24. It looks like your sub-assembly method's working out quite well Jay. Wasn't sure, at first, how it was being assembled, but I see now. Nice! Cheers
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