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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. This is one of the tools that's on my list of tools to get, but I couldn't tell you much about it. I will say that based on things I've read about it here, it's well worth the money. Cheers
  2. Hi Bob: Up to now I've been using the torches you have there, except the pen-torch, and a Weller like the bigger one you have, for larger work. Been thinking of getting the smaller iron though for doing the iron-work on my Connie. I do have a question about the brick and acting as a heat-sink. Wouldn't a piece of ceramic tile be a better platform to weld on? Since ceramic tile is what's used on the space shuttle to deflect heat. Cheers
  3. There's no doubt about the gifted part, but a good way to look at it is to see it as realizing what can be possible with practice and the idea of never giving up. Cheers
  4. Lookin' fine Chuck: Well, from an old woodworker's perspective, the natural wood finish, in my opinion, looks nice and shows off your craftsmanship. But if you're going for historically accurate, then paint her like that. (Now I'm thinking of getting two, the admiral really IS going to kill me) Cheers
  5. Hi Mike: Been watching from the wings and have to say she's looking mighty fine despite some setbacks. On the first page, you mentioned masts were warped and if you need walnut dowel-rod, this is a good place to consider. http://www.rockler.com/dowel-rods-walnut-36-long-choose-size Cheers
  6. My Christmas wish list consists of every tool Jim makes with all the extras! I don't want much. Cheers
  7. This looks like a really fun build Chuck. Well, here's another toy to add to the wish list when it becomes available. Already spent a small fortune on new tools and I think the Admiral's going to kick my ___ pretty soon if I don't bribe her with more trinkets and beads. Not to change the subject, but I couldn't help but notice the sign in your shop. I've been a proponent of the ancient astronaut theory myself for many years now. Cheers
  8. Looks like it turned out no worse for wear Bill. Glad you found a solution. Cheers
  9. I have to agree with Tim and Steve on the planking Tom. If mine turns out as well, I'll be a happy camper. Cheers
  10. Nice job Danny. Looking ahead to when I start my build, you're going to be a tough act to follow. Cheers
  11. Looking nice Markku! I'll be following this build with interest as I'll be building mine in a similar way with some exceptions. Cheers
  12. Hi Rich: After checking the MS plans, I found the rake varies between the masts with 3 degrees at the Fore, 3.5 at themain, and 5 at the Mizzen. As far as seizing goes, a picture tells a much better story than I could.
  13. Lookin' mighty fine Tom. Mighty fine. Almost time to cut her loose from the slipways and see if she'll float. Cheers
  14. That's how it's done on a real ship sure enough. I'm probably wrong then but I thought cardley was trying to find out how to do it on his model if I'm not mistaken. Cheers
  15. Hi Wes: Been quietly following your log for a while now and first I want to say I'm sorry to for the loss of your folks. I went through pretty much the same thing 18 years ago only they were 11 months apart. Your build is turning out great and since I too am going to start the MS Connie here in a few months, I can only hope it turns out as good. I've also decided to replace MS's hull & deck planking with Jeff's boxwood and the rest of the trim-work with Swiss Pear. And I'll definitely be changing the blocks out for Chuck's. Hope to see you back here soon. Fair Winds & Take Care
  16. On a real ship they might use the mast tackle for that, but for our purposes, just tugging a little on the end of the lanyard to bring it taught is how I think it's done. Unless, of course, you want to depict something like that in your build, to show how it's really done. Cheers
  17. Thanks Bill. It's good to know. If I end up going with the 1812 config., I'll probably add those. I like the look myself. Fair Winds
  18. She's coming together nicely Bill. I'm curious about the crows feet on the tops. Is that configuration indicative of the 1812 era? I ask because I don't have the AOTS yet, and the plans I have only show her as she sits today. Cheers
  19. I know what you mean about coffee. (Another addict here) Must have been my truck-driving years that did it. Cheers
  20. Been quietly watching with interest Chuck. Very nice! My only question is how do you find the time? Seems like you have a lot on your plate. Cheers
  21. Outstanding craftsmanship Danny. Lots of lessons to be learned here. Thanks for posting this. Fair Winds
  22. Hi Clark: I had a similar problem, only with attaching links to any posts. IE11 was the culprit, but just converted to Google Chrome and all is well. That was a better solution for me rather than fall back to an older version of IE. Now I have both installed,--with no problems I might add. Fair Winds
  23. Thanks Force9. Since it will be at least 6 months before I start mine, I will be looking for all the reference material I can get. I'm still undecided which configuration I'd like to go with, but if I was to go with the 1812, it would be nice to have some definitive answers as to how she actually looked. I see 3 books that needs to be on my list, but will add Bluejacket's Manual to it. Thanks again for the info. Cheers
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