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Everything posted by clearway

  1. Nice work on the oars Frank- That keel clamp looks handy- when coppering my Vic i laid her on a folded up teatowel and propped her with offcuts of would to stop her toppling too far over! Keith
  2. Ty for the likes everyone- Lawerence the Vic at the top of the page is not mine but a couple of pics someone posted on my log to show their progress. Mine is a long way to go before the chainplates are in place sorry for any confusion caused. Was going to say wont ever copper a hull again, but i said that after my Cutty Sark! Keith
  3. Ty Dan- well that is the coppering of the hull finished yeyyyyyyyyyy will have to paint and copper the rudder next- at least its only small Have fun all- going to lay down in a darkened room for a while now! keith
  4. Ty for the likes- a week or so later and the port side is coppered and the starboard side is about just over half way - starting to go a bit boss eyed and dribbling at the moment Will have to thibk about the pintles and gudgeons for the rudder soon. Keith
  5. Ty for the likes folks and Ty Olaleon- nice work there. Due to the weather being nice over the weekend (despite the forecast and a dodgy start to the day Saturday) the garden took most of my time- However managed to get most of the Port side coppered- the end is in sight (for that side anyways!). havn't counted but theres over a thousand so far i think. Spring in Cumbria and they are forecasting snow for the next couple of days!!!!! Keith
  6. Nice work Frank- no boats supplied with the billings Vic so i've been looking at the quaycraft resin boats. Keith
  7. it's all about trial and error and getting it right for you Boyd- she is looking great m8 Keith
  8. Made a start with the coppering- forgotten the joys of doing this! Have cut the plates 5mm x 15mm- couldn't find a way to re-create 1/75 nails that didn't look like scaled down golfballs and i rub the self adhesive copper strip down wityh some dowel so it would obliterate any detail i added anyways- am open to ideas though- was thinking of maybe using a scriber to dot nail holes in after fixinf all the plates on if i havn't gone bonkers by then . Have fun all Keith
  9. Ty for the likes and comments everyone. Got the first coat of black paint on the hull- two more and i am going to start the coppering. Seems strange seeing her in black after months of plain wood and sanded back primer! Keith
  10. Yep if following the destructions only 10 "full" cannons needed for the upper gun deck, six for the quater deck and two for the fore deck Keith
  11. Ty Phil- used it on my cutty sark so i know the pain i am about to face! at least when i did the cutty i was ignorant of the joy i was about to endure Keith
  12. Just a quick update-added the rest of the detail to the sides which will enable me to start painting them and coppering the bottom using self adhesive dolls house tape. Keith
  13. i have the academy warspite with white ensign upgrade kit- but will wait till i have finished Victory methinks! Whatever version you model it will certainly be a unique portrayal of her if modelled when run aground/ being scrapped. Keith
  14. Ty Boyd- still dreading the coppering though- vowed after coppering my cutty sark i would never do it again, but 16 years later here i go again! Keith
  15. looking good there- this should be in kit build logs in progress though methinks where more people will notice it. Keith
  16. Looking good-i remember reading a build of this ship in model boats magazine about 15 years ago and she is bit of a beast by all accounts!. The guy in the article didn't mast her due to the size she would have ended up!
  17. That could work- especially if you remember to leave staggered gaps in the deck planking which you can plank in later to hide the join lines. Keith
  18. Ty Lukas- will be 1.4 metres long when finished- don't know where she is going to live when finished though! At last the catheads, the rest of the rigols and the timber for the hammock netting alongside the forecastle knightheads is in place. All that is left are the steps and i can start painting the hull and coppering her bottom Keith
  19. definatley recommend leaving the cannons on the upper gun deck till all the woodwork is finished and sanded- the amount of sawdust and shavings that gather under there is sick!- i am waiting for better weather so i can clean all the rubbish out of there now all the major woodwork on the hull is finished. Keith
  20. It was still like that in the 90's as well- not sure when Billings moved over to laser cutting for their Cutty Sark. Keith
  21. Looking nice and with lighting fitted it wont be as un-noticable as it may have been otherwise. Smurf or blue painted scotsman?! Apparently the Romans got to the naked blue men and built a wall to keep em out Keith
  22. Ty for the likes everyone and if she ends up looking as good as yours Lawrence i will be happy . Due to some nice weather yesterday didn't get much done due to needing work done in the garden, but today fog had moved in so got most of the rigols added and cut the mouldings away from the gunports. Yey lighter nights and alfresco modelling are approaching weather permitting in the north of England! Keith
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