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Everything posted by clearway

  1. Lol Phil oh yeah- mind you the kit is marked as for the expert builder so billings are assuming you already know all the basics. If you buy their beginners kits they do have more detailed instructions. Keith
  2. coming along nicely Phil- them ply hull sides are a pain- i ended up having to cut and shut them and "shave bits off to get them to lay right. Keith
  3. Boyd it is just mentally draining spending two weeks cutting and sticking 15mm x 5 mm copper tiles on while trying to keep your eyes focused lol. Frank i couldn't put it better meself me old mucker Keith
  4. Just a quicky - took delivery of the Mantua 1/78 victory etch. Wierd thing is though it is about 20 hammock cranes and a set of cranes for the stunsail boom fitted to the channels short, but has all the brackets for the lamps!? Will have to order another set when back in stock with C.M.B. Happy building all Keith
  5. Looking good Boyd- i cheated and have a set of the mantua 1/78 hammock cranes on the way from cornwall model boats- the fret also has the lamp irons by the look of it. Keith
  6. Ty for the likes and comments everyone- i used longridge's anatomy of Nelson's ships for the run of the copper plates. Having a break from Vic at the mo and catching up on some older builds . Keith
  7. looks ok Izzy- i use copper or anealled iron wire for strops as well. Keith
  8. Hi Jesse- the solid frames are bulkheads, the "walls" above deck level are the bulwarks- the bits that broke off are the bulwark timbers if memory serves me right. Keith
  9. i use humbrol acrylic primer from a rattle can- however if spray painting i either do it outdoors or in the shed never in the house- the admiral would prolly scrap the fleet if i did - even though i now have a purpose built workshop.
  10. i,ve read in some old books where guys would glue the edges of the planks to black rice paper to imitate caulking- never tried it myself but may do one day. Keith
  11. Hope it all works out Nenad good luck- we need you to lead Bob astray on his cutty build when he returns to it!
  12. This brings back memories- built this in 1993! I planked the bow and stern then painted the "steel" decks red and used high build primer on the hull to remove wood grain. Will be interesting to see her in wood finish. Keith
  13. Coming along nicely jesse. When the planking goes on it will re-enforce the repair job too- we all been there with dem pesky bulwark timbers! Keith
  14. Nice work on the oars Frank- That keel clamp looks handy- when coppering my Vic i laid her on a folded up teatowel and propped her with offcuts of would to stop her toppling too far over! Keith
  15. Ty for the likes everyone- Lawerence the Vic at the top of the page is not mine but a couple of pics someone posted on my log to show their progress. Mine is a long way to go before the chainplates are in place sorry for any confusion caused. Was going to say wont ever copper a hull again, but i said that after my Cutty Sark! Keith
  16. Ty Dan- well that is the coppering of the hull finished yeyyyyyyyyyy will have to paint and copper the rudder next- at least its only small Have fun all- going to lay down in a darkened room for a while now! keith
  17. Ty for the likes- a week or so later and the port side is coppered and the starboard side is about just over half way - starting to go a bit boss eyed and dribbling at the moment Will have to thibk about the pintles and gudgeons for the rudder soon. Keith
  18. Ty for the likes folks and Ty Olaleon- nice work there. Due to the weather being nice over the weekend (despite the forecast and a dodgy start to the day Saturday) the garden took most of my time- However managed to get most of the Port side coppered- the end is in sight (for that side anyways!). havn't counted but theres over a thousand so far i think. Spring in Cumbria and they are forecasting snow for the next couple of days!!!!! Keith
  19. Nice work Frank- no boats supplied with the billings Vic so i've been looking at the quaycraft resin boats. Keith
  20. it's all about trial and error and getting it right for you Boyd- she is looking great m8 Keith
  21. Made a start with the coppering- forgotten the joys of doing this! Have cut the plates 5mm x 15mm- couldn't find a way to re-create 1/75 nails that didn't look like scaled down golfballs and i rub the self adhesive copper strip down wityh some dowel so it would obliterate any detail i added anyways- am open to ideas though- was thinking of maybe using a scriber to dot nail holes in after fixinf all the plates on if i havn't gone bonkers by then . Have fun all Keith
  22. Ty for the likes and comments everyone. Got the first coat of black paint on the hull- two more and i am going to start the coppering. Seems strange seeing her in black after months of plain wood and sanded back primer! Keith
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