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Everything posted by clearway

  1. ty Janet- the billing kits can have a lot of plastic especially the earlier ones. The later ones do use a lot of laser cut ply though. Managed to get the chainplates fastened to the hull- the brass cleats still need painted black. Have fun all and thanks to all those who pop in to have a lookaround. Keith
  2. Thankyou Chris- was actually wondering about yours and philgs billings victories the other week! Keith
  3. hi again all- made the rest of the chainplates using jigs similar to the deadeye jig. Not actually fastening them until after painting them black. Also decided just to buy some brackets as opposed to making them take care all and have fun. keith
  4. Ty don and thanks for the likes/ views everyone. Not sure how to go about blackening the deadeyes and the chainplates when i get them finished though- thats a lot of painting! Keith
  5. Back in the olde shipyard with vic again. started on the deadeye strops using an home made jig and 22gauge tinned copper wire. the strops were soldered using soft solder after bending to shape. still getting used to the new site set up here! take care all Keith
  6. Ty for the views likes and comments again everyone. Finished painting the figurehead, and got the supports for the channels attached- used the fittings supplied for the chainplates by billings for these. Also getting further on with the guns on the upper gun deck and nearly ready for rigging them (need these fitted before I can carry on fitting out the f'sle deck with the belfry and skid beams). Also added the etchings from the sergal 1/78 victory etchings set I bought for the stunsail booms(billings didn't provide for these). sorry the pics are a bit blurry. Till later, have fun all. Keith
  7. Ty Kevin- yours is looking pretty darn good too B.T.W. (had a quick peek now and again). Hi again Frank-no problem she was idle on the ways for a year before i re-started again me old mucker. Also cheers for looking in and the likes everyone. Keith
  8. thanks for the likes and visits to the log everyone. finally got all the gunports in place and work progressing on the figurehead, also painted the mouldings on the forepeak. If modelling billings Vic with the ports closed you will find yourself six lids and twelve hinges too short! due to all the handling of the lower hull I will have to remove the old laquer and re-do it- when I am sure I wont have to handle the copper again. On top of all this fun I have also started on the great little ships 1/72 flower class corvette upgrade for the revel (old matchbox) kit Have fun all and keep building! Keith
  9. after a long break of a year due to garden and house renovations (and 1/35 ww2 armour) back to the vic! Wasn't happy with the yellow stripes so re did them using tamiya masking tape while also realigning them especially at the stern. Billings had the rear gun ports too high so the stripes looked wrong when you followed the gunports! also started on the gunport lids. thanks for all the views and comments during the build so far. Keith
  10. mount the hull on the stand- this will put her on the correct trim, then lightly draw the line. On wooden hulls i just paint freehand up to the pencil line. To stop the pencil being dragged down ease off the pressure as the shape of thr hull tries to pull the pencil in a downwards arc. Keith
  11. I used matt 65 sky blue for my hull and matt white 34 for the wheelhouse. The accomodation hatch and engine cover i used gloss 9- there is a pic on my gallery if that helps. Keith
  12. Nice job Frank- must must get back to my Billings Vic, but like you house renovations (and 1/35 armour!) getting in the way. Keith
  13. Nice job,i know your pain m8 -just re-lacquered the copper plates on my Vic as i didnt let them dry enough last summer and ruined the finish! hopefully after a few weeks drying time it will be back to work on her. Keith
  14. know the feeling Phil- due to gardening, D.I.Y. and WW2 german armour distractions havn't touched my Vic for a few months now! Nive work on the stern galleries there. Keith
  15. Looking very nice and ship shape Boyd. Nice size difference in builds there . Happy new year to you m8- must put me 1/35 german armour down and get back to my Victory! Keith
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