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Everything posted by clearway

  1. Looking good Ian- this is my favourite part of ship modelling- i think! keith
  2. painted the deadeyes on mine black and used dark thread as well- nice work with the pin rails. Keith
  3. Nice fix bob and stem area will be that busy in that area with the rigging and lifeboat davits etc it will hardly be noticable. Keith
  4. Gave up on the timber order for the wales- will it ever arrive!!! Found some limewood strip in my bits box for the upper and middle wales. Keith
  5. havn,t checked your log for a while- wow really coming along nicely. Keith
  6. Ouch at 95 degrees- here in the Cumbria we usually have it fairly moderate- though we did get a couple of winters with -20 centigrade. Our summers normally peak at about 22 degrees centigrade for a couple of weeks- rest of time its cool and raing and raining and...... Keith
  7. Don't know if its still in print, but there is also Log of the Cutty Sark by Lubbock which is an excellent read and has plans. That is where i got the idea of painting the panels on the deckhouses white from. Keith
  8. another option might be to drill through the cathead and insert a piece of brass rod then add a covering splint to hide the ends of the rod. Keith
  9. Do you know anyone with a mini lathe who could turn some brass rod for you? Keith
  10. I never fail to be amazed at your work- keep it up. Keith
  11. coming along nicely Boyd- if you like the look then you are doing it right! Will probably stick with the self adhesive paper for my windows. Keith
  12. Not been upto much victory wise due to still aiting for timber to arrive for the wales and garden and outbuilding maintenance- oh the joy of built up felt roofing!!! Have been working on the gun carriages between though. matt white base coat applied. Iron work picked out in black. Coats of light oak stain/varnish applied- about two more coats to go. The wheels will be done with dark oak. Keith
  13. I rig all the shrouds and forestays first then move onto the yards- attatching any blocks and eyes needed first before attatching the yards to the mast. Keith
  14. welcome to the wonderfull world of hms victory, best advise i can give is read through the instructions 20 times then look at the model then read the instructions some more! Keith
  15. thankyou Keith- took around 4 years of build time (with a 10 year break due to housemove and no decent work area till new workshop built!).
  16. seeing your log brings back memories from 18 year ago! remember having the sames trials and tribulations myself! Heres a pic of my finished stern section. Hope this provides inspiration! Keith
  17. I agree with you on the rigging thread- i used it to rig mine, but wish i had used billings thread instead as the A L stuff was far too "stiff". Keith
  18. The replacement stern from cornwall model boats certainly looks better than the one supplied with the kit! Keith
  19. gonna look great when they are in place and painted up Bob. Nice to see the anchor deck back in place too. Keith
  20. Hmm- could just be from the casting mould and hasn't been fettled?
  21. i think the smaller one may be for the quater deck as the ones on my billings victory are smaller than the ports on the upper gun deck. Keith
  22. still a long way from actually making the chainplates myself Boyd- sort of thinking five steps ahead. Will either use tinned copper wire or annealed iron wire (like what jewellry makers use). Keith
  23. does no one manufacture etched handrails to that scale?
  24. Hi Boyd- will certainly look ok when glued in and varnished- there are plenty of reference works on shipbuilding if you want to research further. Been having thoughts about the chainplates billings provided and am thinking of scratch building more accurate ones- are you game!? Keith
  25. certianly looking the part now Keith- erm bad news though- if rigging victory is doing your nut in- wait till you rig the cutty sark! Keith
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