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Everything posted by clearway

  1. All photos i have seen over the past 30 or so years in different books- some dating from the 1950,s and 60s show white inner ends- it makes sense as there was no flood lighting of decks in 1869 and painting it white would make it easier to pick out on deck i suppose? And well done on missing out the middle man and heading straight for the carpet- i spent 3 hours searching for a turret handrail off my 1/350 dreadnought upgrade that i dropped onto the carpet last weekend Keith
  2. Managed to re-patriate the admirals pegs before she found out-Phew. Trimmed the top of the hull to shape- glad to see that removable support on the quarter deck out of the way. Only problem i have now is that, because i normally build merchant ships and fishing boats i would prime the hull and sand back to remove coarse wood grain. Unfortunately victory has lots of fine hull detail- Hmmmm maybe prime as is stands now then sand back to nearly bare wood before before adding the rigols and mouldings. Just some of the fittings sorted- these tackle boxes come in really handy. That's a lot of deadeyes! Keith
  3. Seeing those fittings brings back memories! As mentioned in Bob's cutty log i replaced the dolly winches with more realistic sergal ones though i did use the billings rollers and warping drums. In my cutty kit the deadeyes and blocks were made of wood. Keith
  4. Added some of the decoration on the quarter gallery and opened out the gunports on the wales. Also put in inlays for the quarter deck and forecastle in place. Hope the admiral dosen't see where all her clothes pegs are going! Keith
  5. Nice work Geg- good luck with the repair- we have two cats and they are banned from the workshop full stop. Keith
  6. the lid is hinged in the middle- your drawing looks about right and its called the wheelhouse- try googling cutty sark and clicking on images there are loads of pics online. Those panels on the t'gallant rail look mighty nice . Keith P.S. found this pic- hope it helps
  7. There is also annealed iron wire which is used by people who make jewellery and is available from most craft places- using some to make the chainplates for my billings victory. Keith
  8. Ty Ian- the track is peco code 100 track. The tinlets are stored upside down as it stops a skin forming on the paint. Keith
  9. Etchings for the hatches and funnels in place, also fitted the final handrails to the turrets and primed them. none of the superstructure or decks are actually glued in place yet.
  10. When scratchbuilding my model of clearway i needed a plaque on the wheelhouse front- i re-sized the pic printed it out then cut out onta a backing piece of thin ply if that makes sense. Keith
  11. ty all for the positive comments, and yes when she was built she the made every warship afloat obsolete thanks to Jackie Fisher who dragged the Royal navy kicking and screaming into the 20th century! Keith
  12. Ouch keith- the billings plans do show you where the winches pumps bollards etc should be. Could you not check Bob's and Nenads logs for help too? Keith
  13. Not done much due to working on victory, but did attatch ladders and railings to turrets after filing the moulded ladders off- this is where the fiddly going boss eyed stuff starts lol Keith
  14. Decided to have a go at the window frames using the self adhesive paper method (franking labels) cut into 0.5mm strips- boy it was fun! Firstnpacking strips were added same thickness as acetate. Acetate was glued in place with humbrol "clear windows" then strips attatched. gonna be fun painting these! also did some work on the bows. The admiral snook this shot of me working alfresco saying is that hms victory between your legs or are you just glad to see me! Keith
  15. lol nenad one admiral is enough!!! Havn't heard of those aircraft kit manufacturers Bob- wonder if they are available in U.K.? Keith
  16. Don't forget though bob what looks really ovious now will not stand out when all the belaying pins, deadeyes, shrouds, rigging lines, toprails etc are in place, and to me that panelling looks mighty fine. keith
  17. Lol Bob and yet we keep starting more- oh and also building Hms dreadnought by zvezda, a 1/76 fairy swordfish biplane, a 1/76 dakota a couple of dragon models half tracks to 1/35 and a few 1/35 tamiya ww2 tanks along with model railway wagons
  18. I must admit i have a few builds going on in various stages- coal fired grab dredger "clearway" sccratch built, caldercraft "sir kay" minesweeper, "u.s.s. lynx" from penart, billings "st. canute" tug, billings "hms victory" and A L "pinta"! so you are not alone Bob lol Keith
  19. I love watching Nenad play devils advocate with cutty builders . She is coming along great Bob. Keith
  20. viewing all this makes we want to start another cutty build and get it better this time- only thing stopping me is i know what i am in for from last time!!!
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