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Everything posted by clearway

  1. over the bank holiday managed to get the gunports cut to approx size (will be opened out fully later) ,got the gun carriages made and started sanding the hull. even though i'm modelling the lids closed i couldn't resist! will paint them matt white then stain and varnish them. primary rough sanding completed- will use fine grade from now. P.V.A'd all the hull below gunport level to help bind the planking together- this did lead to fun when sanding back though! Keith
  2. looking good m8- also if you only varnish one side you may warp the hull- best do both sides at same time. keith
  3. the india ink method is messy but worth it especially if you coat the thread with beeswax afterwards. i used an old plastic tub to soak the thread then hung it outside to dry- then spent two hours scrubbing my hands- gloves recommended! Keith
  4. thats looking great m8. will take a while to sort but will be worth it in the end. Keith
  5. new planking fitted around the transom- each strake was removed one at a time and the new one trimmed to fit. thats most of the brass pins removed- will leave the ones in the new stern planking till the glue has had plenty of time to cure. Templates made for marking out the gunports- used the ones on the laser cut ply sheets for measurements. Keith
  6. Hi Keith looking niceeeee! When i rig my ships i start with the mizzen mast and work forwards as it is easier rigging the forestays working forward. Did you try the india ink for the standing rigging and if so fun and messy lol. Keith
  7. coming along nicely Dom- Makes me feel guilty about neglecting Nina for my Victory! Keith
  8. Poor nina has taken a back seat with the planking of my victory taking priority at the moment. The last planks for the stern section are now in and the anchor deck has been sanded to size and trial fitted. Next is to trim the poop deck to size and make frames for the stern/transom. Keith
  9. I find that sometimes i do things and to me they stand out a mile with neon signs pointing to them! but when people are looking at the model you have to point it out to them! but she certianly looks the part and the new gunport linings do look great. Keith
  10. not sure how we would set that up but would help 1st timers a lot. when i plank my models i soak the strips in hot water then tweak them between fingers and thumbs after tapering them to size. Keith
  11. Hi Michael- we should all form the billing boats victory support group! I have built a lot of billings kit and have a build log of my victory on here. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Keith
  12. Certianly looks o.k. from the photos- i noticed when marking out the gunports on mine while planking that some were out of line- i am building mine with the lids closed so will be easier to re-align them. Keith
  13. Just single planking her Boyd. All the pins will be pulled then the hull filled and sanded, then the wales added. Seems a lot of trouble when she is going to be painted and "coppered" but best doing like this then you know the planks are going to stay and not come adrift. Dont mind the questions at all- keep em coming! Keith
  14. if only those nice people at billings had supplied planks 30mm longer. These will be removed between 2 to 3 frames in and replaced. datum lines so i can find all those holes again! all the major planking in. next is to replank the transom- happy days! Keith
  15. looking good there, brings back memories/ headaches from when i built this a few years back! Keith
  16. nice work so far my man. The whales do not follow the same line as the gun ports. I just googled hms victory- theres loads of nice shots of the whales- though they are a bit hard to pick out on some pics due to the colour scheme. Check my build log for victory- i think i have the planks running right on there. Keith
  17. Nice work there, not done much on the nina as i have been planking my hms victory at the mo! Keith
  18. Just read you are going to do billings cutty sark next- i have just posted some pics in completed kit built models gallery of my billings cutty- i rigged her as a wool clipper and replaced some of the billings fittings with more accurate sergal ones. Keith
  19. your welcome, been trying to achieve this look for yearrs till i discovered the weathering powder. they certianly give a more realistic appearance than just using paint. keith
  20. planking continues. Looking forward to making all those window frames! Keith
  21. Down sized image so it will be easier to enlarge on here. Inside the hoppers were painted gun metal then light rust was stippled in. Keith
  22. ok mike try now- file was too big to download directly to here. clicking on pic should direct you to image on use.com Keith
  23. I know they arn't ships but weathered these using airfix light rust for the lighter patches and a bit of dark earth for the darker shades- stippled into the paint while still tacky. Keith
  24. Nice work so far, if you want to learn more about planking read Harold Underhill- plank on frame models volume1 from brown and furguson publishers. Keith
  25. Coming along nicely there Keith, use india ink diluted 50/50 with water to colour the standing rigging- get mine from my local art shop. Keith
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