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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. Harley dealerships also have bikes to rent, just like a rental car...go for a spin!!!!
  2. It does Eric, thanks....hmmm, need to find some smaller diameter rope...
  3. filler does wonders for creating the contour you want, so don't sweat it, it will come out in the end.
  4. Eric, quick question. when you did the upper rigging, did you use smaller diameter rope than on the lowers?
  5. Jim, I am hoping you get some good news from the test results. I can only imagine what you are going through, and I am not a professional, but I would guess that you are of course dealing with the shock of the diagnosis. Throw yourself into what ever helps you cope...then when your mind is ready you will be able to deal with things better.
  6. hmmmm....but I like TV, and reality shows, but I also like building, and find sanding a bit of a zen experience....am I allowed to enjoy both?
  7. Wow Sam, you are really going all out!! Very impressive....so I will send you a list and the specs for what I need for my Syren....I can expect those in the mail when?
  8. Glad you are all settled in David, and the clamps are quite ingeious...vaseline should work as Augie suggested, but I wonder if the oils might discolor the wood in any way???? I guess I would just suggest wiping away excess glue with a damp cloth and then there shouldn't be a problem.....
  9. Sam, I really like the new rudder...the bashing is fun isn't it!!! Keeps it all from getting boring!
  10. She is absolutely beautiful Augie, if mine turns out half as good I will be satisfied. The case is lovely and fitting place for her to spend her years!!! Be very proud of yourself!
  11. If your body says sleep, then sleep is what you need to do to get back to 100%. Take it easy, we will all be here when you get back!
  12. Jim, I sam not sure how to respond. I am very sorry for the diagnosis...but I agree with Sport...taking your own life only robs your family of their time with you...time they will need to come to terms with the eventual loss...you thinking you are sparing your family, is in fact even worse, because it will leave them dealing with the anger of having you taken from them before it was time. May you come to terms...may the treatment give you years! I will be thinking of you.
  13. Congrats Jim, the planking looks very nice and clean...I hope you are pleased with her!
  14. I really like the look of the ebony Mark. i asked Chuck about doing that for the wales on my Syren...but with all the problems I have with reactions to CA, he thought the ebony might cause problems for me too, so I opted not to do it. I really like how it looks, but I will just patiently paint mine and call it good.
  15. Glad to hear it is nothing serious Augie. Take time and heal/mend well!
  16. Randy, well done! She is looking like a true lady now and one to be proud of!!!!!
  17. Very creative and interesting. I too am hopping on this bandwagon to watch, I can't wait to see the next installment!
  18. Adriaan, the compression stockings are really not too much of a pain to wear. I had to wear them for several weeks after abdominal surgery. Perhaps us girls don't notice it so much since we are used to wearing things like pantyhose and such. But seriously, they will help you. Like Popeye said, getting some exercise and cutting down on salt intake will also help with the circulation issues. Doesn't mean you need to spend hours in the gym every day, but just a regular evening walk will do wonders for the circulation issues. I had the same problem some years back, and the walking improved things greatly! Here's hoping you find what caused the rash and reaction and you can get back to doing the things you enjoy very soon!
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