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Everything posted by RichardG

  1. Wow. That's a lot. Now I have to get back to my wife and explain why I need a new power saw 😀.
  2. Wow. Now that is impressive.
  3. Tricky. I agree with Druxey metal seems the best option. I'm not sure if you can get long enough pieces. I suppose you could solder shorter sections together using the box section brackets to help. To make it look like wood, this site has lots of metal paints and patinas in a variety of colors that might work https://sculptnouveau.com/collections/finishes And please be careful, those look like they could take an eye out.
  4. Very good indeed Matthias. I like the guy with the pipe too 😀
  5. Working on other bits. I decided to replace the cannon with one from Chuck. Soldered in the trunnion and then blackened it. However instead of black, I've used a dark brown patina to give it the look of bronze.
  6. Looking good! Your hull planking is way better than mine is (which is why I painted and coppered mine).
  7. Oops. That's me being stupid again! I was thinking HMS Winchelsea. I need to pay better attention. Your original comment was definitely on the mark though.
  8. Absolutely. I'm a member of the group but so far I've only got as far printing the bulkheads and buying a scroll-saw. I watch the ongoing builds with much interest. My skills are definitely in the humble range (but getting better).
  9. Richard, I hope you get better soon. Retrospectives are good as well.
  10. Welcome Richard. I would definitely recommend a build log. Everyone here is very helpful and non-judgmental. I'm currently hacking my Dallas build. Like you I completed the hull and then came back to it many years later along with a move to the US. I'm planning the the rigging at the moment, I made the brave foolish decision to completely change the rigging from the kit plans. I will be doing the masts in-situ. Although the yards will probably be done off the ship. Since this will be my first time for this, I cannot say if it's the right decision. Hopefully your progress will be faster than mine 😀. Good luck and enjoy your builds
  11. What a good idea. I used a jig to hold my hull upside down so I could copper the hull after there was stuff on the deck. I then had problems fitting the rudder. If only I'd thought of turning it through 90 degrees it would have been a lot easier. Ideas like this are so simple - when someone else shows you how.
  12. Well I can't possibly do a "like" on that post. However, welcome! Hopefully we'll see a build log of the African Queen soon. All the best.
  13. I'm busy at the moment replacing the walnut I used for skylights and doors with pear. It involved a little bit of demolition but the results look a lot better. For me, I knew I would regret if I didn't do this, it would be a niggling at me all the time. Will's suggestion is a good one and your carving skills are obviously up to the task.
  14. I'm so sorry to hear of you eyesight problems. I hope the healing goes well. All the best
  15. Demolition clean up is completed. Since this is not a real ship I didn't feel it necessary to remove that low beam or the one at deck level. Now to build a new set of doors.
  16. Thank you. The doors were not bad but the grain of the walnut used was too obvious. Since I now have some small strips of swiss pear, I'm redoing this area. I've already re-done the skylight and started re-cladding the sides. The roof is remaining as-is. Richard.
  17. I use the 15 minute BSI epoxy all the time. I also like having the squeeze bottles, those epoxies in the twin syringe are a pain. Richard.
  18. I have purchased from Cooks Wood a couple of times. It's not cheap but the quality was very good. Unfortunately they mostly have highly figured woods because they're selling for decorative woodwork. The only item I got for modeling was for a base. I would love to be able to visit just to enjoy the wood. Richard
  19. I thought it was time for an update. I was embarrassed to see how long it is since I posted in my build log. I'm not sure if I'm the worlds slowest builder but I'm definitely up there. I joined our local ship modelling club last year, Midwest Model Shipwrights (Link). They are a really friendly and helpful bunch. Of course we're meeting via Zoom now. I completed the copper on the hull a couple of months ago and was able to turn her the right way up. I embedded threaded rod into the keel and then used brass tube which I tapped to match to mount her to a piece of hickory. Richard.
  20. Abebooks have some copies. They range from $80 to a totally ridiculous $599. https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=22617872862&searchurl=sortby%3D17%26tn%3Dalert%2B1777
  21. Rob, Your sails are excellent. Seeing these almost makes me to add them to my cutter😀. However in my stage of the journey, what with my glacial pace and total lack of rigging experience, I think it's too much (I really do want do finish before I die). I have a Model Shipways Long Boat kit in my stash - that would be a good place to start. Thanks for your work and instructions. Richard.
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