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Posts posted by 72Nova

  1. With 90% of the hull sanding complete I've focused my attention to the channels, with the fore channels completed I wanted to try out my new process to achieve the desired look I'm after.

    Base coat is Tamiya flat desert yellow followed a thin wash of Tamiya flat white. up next is a thin wash of burnt umber followed by slightly thinned almost dry brushed raw umber then a thin wash of flat black on the middle gun deck ports, once I spray some dulcoat on it, it should give it a deeper tone. I'm quite pleased thus far with the results. The last picture is taken without flash.

    Thanks for looking,

    Michael D.





  2. Channels and chain plates, this is something I needed to take into consideration since I will not be using the kit supplied ones and that is chain plate bolt locations in the wales. I made the new channels out .040" styrene sheet and used 24g copper wire as dowels to pin them to ship, the chain plates are the same gauge copper wire hammered flat and bent to the necessary angle, I stropped the 1/8" heart dead eye with thread that is run through a hole in the chain plate and glued and the chain plate is pinned to the wale with 24g copper wire. Obviously the objective here is to get all the channels/chain plates built and fitted prior to painting the hull although the channels will remain in place for that phase.


    Michael D.


  3. As I ponder the idea of modifying the stern bulwarks to simulate clinker-built construction, I focused my attention to check the dry fit of the stern and in this case not too bad! I've started the mods to the stern which will be many for sure, but one area was bugging me and that is the space between the gallery and the side, so I mocked up a figure to fill the space and while this individual doesn't represent anybody in particular, I think it fills the void nicely although maybe a tad over scale.


    Michael D.




  4. The Sulpey clay fresh out of the oven.


    Pieces attached to the aft dome and roof modification completed.


    A base coat of Desert Yellow to check the effect, I still have a few more mods yet to do to the lower Qtr gallery before I move to the upper. While not perfect it looks acceptable at this scale, thanks for looking.


    Michael D.






  5. Nirvana, I'll try my best to produce something close to resembling her as she appears, but at this scale any modification seems out of scale a bit. harlquin that is tempting.

    As I continue to open up the port side gun ports I decided to perform the necessary mods to the galleries, removing the molded scalloping on the roof, scribbling the planking on the underside, opening up the galleries and clinking the roof.


    Michael D.


  6. Hi Marc,

    I bought the car in 1984 off the original owner for $75 and had rust in the usual areas that I fixed when I painted her up back then, but after 25 years new areas started to rust so I made the decision to replace all the sheet except the roof, tail light panel, rockers and windshield cowl. This was the 3rd and final go around, needless to say I put in countless hours to get it into the shape its in.


    Michael D.

  7. I've been wanting to build this one for quite a while and now it's time to roll up the sleeves. I'm taking different approach on this build, I'm building her as she looks in the Vasa Museum except fully masted and rigged as if they found the complete ship, there will be no guns, paint etc. My first course of action is to introduce more graining into the ship to give it a more weathered look, this process will take a few months. Thanks for looking.


    Michael D.



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