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Everything posted by Piet

  1. You're making those plastic blobs look'n really nice Greg. What cement are you using to stick the PE to those blobs? Cheers,
  2. Thank you again gentlemen for your kind words and banter, enjoy it a lot. Go ahead OC, show us a ship picture. I have a pen end ink of a Dutch frigate and started a tempera painting of a VOC ship. All my oil paint paintings are sold. Yeah Carl, that'll keep all youns off balance I have a few more to tickle your nerves with I did manage to make some time this morning and bought a 200 teeth 10 inch saw blade for my jobbers table saw. Now I heave to find some time to cut the plexy glass. To prevent it from cracking and chipping I'll install the blade backwards and let it protrude about 3/16th of an inch above the table deck. That way I'll have a little wiggle room and feed it slowly. Cheers,
  3. Thank you Craig. When painting I'm totally tuned out to the world, very relaxing. But then Gwen calls me for dinner and back to reality. Cheers,
  4. Very nice work OC.! Thank you Frank, good to see you here. Hi Carl, yeah, I'll try to be careful. I had a nice chat with the fellow at the plexyglass store where he gave me a few pointers. That and with my personal experiences from my previous life in aircraft repair, I should be able do okay. I'll need Gwen to help me support the end that overhang's saw table. Tomorrow I'll be off to the store to buy the proper saw blade. This morning I cut the jig for holding the glass square and true for gluing. If it doesn't look good I can always put the corner pieces on. Hey OC, here are a few of my artwork. The first one is colored pencil drawing of a ghost crab her at one of our beaches. The second one is a tempera painting of a sycamore branch and the third one is a pen and ink with dry-brush of Amsterdam bridges. Sorry for the deviation in subject matter, nothing about ships, although the crab lives on the beach, near the sea Hope youns like it. Cheers,
  5. Thanks for dropping in OC. Yeah, hopefully Monday or Tuesday I'll have some time to start cutting the glass. No future builds for now, must get back to the VOC ship Surabaya and the 1:3000 scale Young America diorama. When that's done I may start on the Musi for Gwen. I have too many things going on in my life to be able to spend many hours a day on models. I am searching for drawings or just a set of lines for a Buginese fishing Prauw without much success. Too many wants on my short bucket list. I need to complete three paintings this year to submit to the National Colored Pencil Society to be inducted into their official recognized artist list. Its a kinda prestigious thing and a challenge. I normally paint in oils or tempera or pen and ink. Cheers,
  6. Wow, 4 pages backlogged of reading to catch up with youns. Carl is finished his superb looking model, congrats Carl, she's looking really splendid and now we're waiting for Denis to complete his model. Nice going Denis, parts and pieces going together and placed on the hull, great progress. Cheers,
  7. Hello everyone, I received the sheet of plaxiglass with the cement in last Thursday. Unpacked it and it looks undamaged. Now I need to find some time to cut the pieces out and make a jig to cement it all together. 1/8 inch (0.125 mm) plenty sturdy for this small display case. I hope to make the cement edges as smooth and true as possible so I don't need corner pieces. Need to check first if I have an 82 teeth bench saw blade before rushing out to the store for a new one. I'm on the home stretch now - yippee! Then put a few angle braces to the wall in front of my drawing table to place the model on, next to the O19 model. Cheers,
  8. Nice looking shed Marcus and with the traditional "Zaans groen" as well. The red door is a nice touch. In my rare free time I found a picture of a model of a Boyer. Yeah, I'm a member of the Rijksmuseam, love browsing there, I don't know if you have a picture of one these lovely ships but here it is. Cheers,
  9. Thank you so very much Jud for that super great compliment. Coming from you that means two feathers in my cap I should get the plexiglass in this week, then cutting the peaces and cementing them together for the cover. Cheers,
  10. Deck looks nice Kevin and with the gun she begins to look rather business like. Cheers,
  11. I'm in as well and plunked myself down next to Pat and the popcorn. Any coffee around? Cheers,
  12. Good luck Marcus with your Dremel exercise, sure hope it works for you. Potdekselen, and "they" say English is a strange language - well perhaps American English is. Clapboard and lapstrake I understand, I can even pronounce clapboard with a Down-east accent What does a lid on a pot have to do clapboarding - really strange now I am totally cornfused, thanks Jan for messing with my poor old brain Okay, I'll have to add that word in Gwen's Dutch-English dictionary, learn something every day. Cheers,
  13. Got you covered Lou, just three guns and only one with a recent shot. I'll play with it some before finalizing it. Then let Jud tell me how I did. Cheers,
  14. Caught up with you Lou. The wale looks okay from here (Florida)but then again your are dipped behind the horizon, don't even see the tops of the masts Oh, sorry, no masts yet. Kidding aside, you'll do just fine. Cheers,
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