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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Caught up with your build Jan. Very nice work and that considering you seem to be wrestling with a difficult manufacturer and card. As you progressed with this build you did better at each step. The end result should be a nice model. Keep at it my friend. You and your family have a great 2019. Cheers,
  2. Very nice progress on the model Denis and the musical banter, love it My instrument is my voice, sang in the church choir, first tenor, high f. I tried for the g but couldn't quite reach it. Still do pretty well, even at 84. You and the misses have a great 2019 and in good heath. Cheers,
  3. Nice going Sjors! Dang, that's a big model but should look impressive when done. Have a great 2019 to you and Anja - and in good health! Cheers,
  4. Hello Doris, Wonderful work and thanks for sharing your methods to us. Have a great end of the year festivities and a good 2019. Cheers,
  5. Great news John and happy holidays. Make next year a great one. Cheers,
  6. Xmas? Xmas is coming? Man, how time flies, I better get going and prep. Well, actually I have been busy gathering recipes for our daughter's visit with us. She's a vegan and doesn't eat meat, perhaps only salmon. She wants bitterballen! So, I'll use mushrooms instead, like shiitaki. Modeling is on the back burner for now but the urge is growing though. Yup, I'm totally suppressed with the weather, we had some VERY cold nights and days - all the way down to 7C at night but it kinda warmed up during the day to 12C. I actually had to put a flannel shirt on with ling pants and socks and shoes 😉 Cheers,
  7. Thanks for the offer Greg but not at this time. I don't even have time to puts around with I have on the bench and on my bucket list. And then there is the cost. I'll watch though and being impressed with the magic you make - - as well as the others. Cheers,
  8. oooh yeah, I'm in as well. Love them musclerly he-man boats. I liked the tug "de Zwarte Zee," beautiful lines, yacht like almost. Groetjes aan Anja and Cheers,
  9. Hoi Carl, looks like you are coming along quite swimmingly! Caught up with your build and she's looking great, nice job. Cheers,
  10. Hey guys, I'm in as well - watching all you crazies making wonderful realistic ship models! I read through all the posts but stopped clicking likes so not to inundate your record files. It's always an enjoyment listening to all the fun banter going on with some good building practices to learn from. I hope to keep up. Cheers,
  11. Good progress Jan and great help from the experts. Cheers,
  12. Your work is looking very nice Denis. I can commiserate with you on the teeth, I'm now sporting a partial upper clip-on. We'll see how long the remaining real teeth hold up. Cheers,
  13. Hello OC, Just caught up with your log. So sorry hearing about your wife's diabetic problems. I sure hope you and the medical folks can bring it under control. Stay strong my friend and tell your wife that I and all of us are on her side. Sincerely yours,
  14. Fantastic work Drazen and thanks for all the detail photos, which are very helpful for all future builders. The banner looks exceptional. Cheers,
  15. Really great looking riveting job Kees. That's one of the reasons I have tinnitus - driving and bucking too many rivets. Congrats with your new position, that's very rewording work. Cheers,
  16. I'm back with you Mark. Just take care of yourself. Nice work on the boat. Cheers,
  17. Nice work on the Connie Dave and I'll see you back here when you start working on her again. I'm only 84 so take your time to find finding your mojo again, send up a smoke signal. In the meantime I'll find your Jag build and keep you company. Cheers,
  18. Nice progress Nenad. Pretty nice work with difficult material. Cheers,
  19. Marvelous work Hans and take care of your health. See you next year and have a great holiday season. Cheers,
  20. Jello Patrick, I'm back with you my friend and got caught up with all the marvelous progress to your stunning little jewel. Cheers,
  21. Lovely work Michael and I'm back watching and learning again. Cheers,
  22. Hello Ed, Caught up after a few months and just want you to know that I thoroughly enjoy watching your build and learning on the way. I have been lurking since the start but refrain from making comments because I know zip about these ships. I just love to watch a jewel appear under your skillful hands. Cheers,
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