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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Hello Marcus, I'm finally back with you and caught up with your build. Enjoyed looking through your posts with all the interesting information added. She's looking rather spiffy. Cheers,
  2. Hello Doris, What a magnificent piece of art you are creating! I am literally feasting my eyes, again and again. Cheers,
  3. Very impressive work Kortes. Cheers,
  4. Hey Denis, I finally made some time to log in MSW and get caught up with all of my friends builds. Yeah, it's been over two months but who is counting. Great little boat you are building, looking fantastic and nice work as usual. Cheers,
  5. Well now, that's a real great way to skin that cat. Nicely done JesseLee. Cheers,
  6. Boats look great Nenad and thanks for the wonderful pics of your beautiful country. Cheers,
  7. That hull looks fantastic John. My best wishes to you for a speedy and successful treatment. Cheers,
  8. VERY nice work Patrick, she's really coming along. Cheers,
  9. Nice work Craig. PE really makes the model, love it. Cheers,
  10. Mind if I join this motley crew Carl? I'll be very quiet and find a place in the cheap seat with my binocs. Nice looking funnel. Cheers,
  11. Great looking progress JesseLee. Specially liked your method making the bow netting, very instructive. Cheers,
  12. Fix looking pretty good Denis. re the rudder, yeah, better to leave it off till most of the hull work is done and on the stand. Cheers,
  13. Nice going Denis, I love to watch with all the others. Cheers,
  14. Hey Lou, very nice job on the hull planking, looks good from hot and sticky Palm Coast, Florida. No problems with skeeters, at least not with me 😏 They must have migrated to Craig's area. Cheers,
  15. Finally had some time to check in on your build OC. Magnificent work my friend. I's a joy watching your ship grow up to a real fighting lady! Cheers,
  16. Phew, finally had the chance to get caught up with all the builds I am following. Very nice work Craig. Love to watch your method of working the model. Cheers,
  17. I can personally attest to the quality of Remco's work, he even let me hold the ship in my hands - it's heavy too. Yeah, Gwen and I with daughter Marianne and grandson Troy came to visit a few years ago. Wonderful memories. Cheers,
  18. Thanks OC, no, it wont be long for the continuation of what's still on the bench and perhaps an addition. Thank you very much Frank, so good to see you again, be good. Cheers,
  19. I'm still with you OC. The hangar module is looking real nice mate. Enjoyed the info on the bomb as well, all part of her glorious history. Cheers,
  20. My heartfelt thanks to all your kind words, they mean VERY MUCH to me. I am truly at a loss for words in response, other then thank you, all of you have been very encouraging in this build. Till we see each other again on another build,
  21. This will be the final post of my diorama project of Hr. Ms. Java. I may have mentioned in one of my previous posts that unknown but presumable a Chinese salvage company lifted most of the ship wrecks from the Java Sea floor. There were sonar images made showing the depressions of the Ruyter, Java and other ships but unfortunately only the sonar image of the Exeter remains available in public domain. I like to show you all how "Java's" last resting place looked like, which is very similar. Translation: "TODAY FOURTY YEARS AGO THE NIGHT FELL OVER JAVA, Doorman waited for the death with his wounded. SURABAYA BY B. LULOFS, De Telegraaf (is a news paper), 27-02-1882, This chart shows the locations of the last resting place of several ships with their crew. Sonar image of the hole in the Java Sea floor where Exeter rested on her starboard side - Credit MV Empress - Public Domain Date November 2016. By this time the wrecks have been cut up and send to the smelters. Interviews with the people who did the cutting up revealed that they found many human remains and as best as they could were placed on bags and buried. There is even a makeshift burial place for most of the remains. This then is the END, an empty hole, not only in the Java Sea bed but in my heart for the ignominious end by unscrupulous grave robbers of hundreds of men. However, mu memory is still vivid of the wonderful times I have had with my father and that no one can take from me. I wish all the best to everyone who joined me on my journey.
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