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Everything posted by Piet

  1. What a magnificent build Kevin and a great tribute to her proud career and her crew. Great intro! I'll try to keep up with your fast pace pace - - - Cheers,
  2. Nice work Dave. Love the capstans. Yes, the brass really adds to it. Cheers,
  3. Yes Nils, you can try Buginese Pinisi or Bugis Hhinisi schooner. When I lived in Surabaya, Indonesia, (that was before the war with Japan) my father took me to the harbor where I saw the Makassar fishing boats and liked them already then. They are still being build today and all by hand too. We used to call most of the sailing boats a "prauw." Sorry for the misleading word that seems to date back to before yesteryear Cheers,
  4. Hello Nils, that's a very elegant looking ship, that Chebec. At the scale you are planning on it should give you a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. That's why I have added a Buginese Prauh to my want list. Cheers,
  5. Welcome to MSW Shoosh from an old Dutch expat in the USA. Have fun and build that Victory model. I love to watch. My preference is scratch building, kits are much to difficult for me. Cheers,
  6. Selamat siejang Jonk dan apaa kabar? Good to finally see someone from Java, welcome on board. Being from Indonesia I personally would like to see you build a traditional Indonesian ship, like a Buginese Prau/phinisi. That is one of the ships I intend to build myself, if I can find the drawings for it that is. What part of Java are you from? I was born in Surabaya 1934, and lived in Darmo near ruma sakit Darmo. Let us know what ship you have picked to build. Cheers,
  7. Chairs look great Dave and thanks for the warning not to lean back on them Lovely cabinet work too. Can't wait to see the large upright. Cheers,
  8. Looks pretty good Hennie. Did you leave those wider planks as is or did you shave some off to equal the widths a little. Cheers,
  9. Same here, after some browsing I also found your next build. I especially like it because of the personal ties. I wish you God speed with this project, of which I will be faithfully follow. Cheers,
  10. Nice work Denis and thanks for your formula on making the standing rigging work. Cheers,
  11. Magnificent build Kevin, she looks awesome and most powerful. Congrats on the completion. Cheers,
  12. Now that looks like a real sleek boat Nenad, beautiful shape. Cheers,
  13. Thank you Frank, Patric, Boris, Nils and Ken for your comments. @ Boris: That would be a great idea, making a diorama of the "De Schelde" shipyard with the O16 ready for launch. That would certainly make a great addition to the museum. I have actually been there for the official turn over to the Navy of the O19 in 1939. @ Ken: Yes, I really like Jeffrey Cox's book a lot. He seems to be one of the few who got most of the history correct. It's a shame though that he did not include some of the dialog from a few surviving sailors in chapter 15, "A Turn Too Far." I happen to have some of that and may include it in my build log. Reason being is that these men were looking for my father as well as for the ship's commander. My father's call rank was mentioned but not his name. This'll be an interesting build. Cheers,
  14. Thanks Patrick and Mark for your very kind words. Yeah, I guess emotion has a tendency to creep in with builds I am directly or indirectly involved with. I just hope I wont bore all y'all with adding some very personal stories to these builds. My next one will be more difficult, emotion wise. It'll be the ship my father was killed on during the battle of the Java Sea. Hope all yuns will join me in that build effort. Cheers,
  15. Looking magnificent Patrick. I had to backtrack a week or so and spend again a lot of time ogling. Not complaining mind you, loved every minute of it. Cheers,
  16. Good seeing you back in the shipyard Mark. Keep that ticker ticking my friend. Cheers,
  17. Glad seeing you back at the table Nenad. Your boat looks great. Cheers,
  18. Wow, that deck or decks I should say, look terrific. Impressive looking ship Hennie. That'll be a BIG model. Cheers,
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