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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Hey Adrieke, so good seeing you back here with a build. Looking good so far. Cheers,
  2. Yup, an interesting project for sure. Some Dutch naval history is always welcome to this old navy brat Good luck with the build Jan, whenever you decide to start on it. Cheers,
  3. Hi Craig, Yeah, I use a small file I still have from a previous life. The blade and tang are all one piece with the business end rough but rather fine rough, almost like a 360 grit. It seems to be made from tungsten or other super hard metal and does a nice job wearing away HSS (high-speed steel) without any problem. Not so good on wood though, except hard wood a little. I have also used a VERY fine cut-off wheel in the Dremmel and even a VERY fine aluminum oxide wheel in the Dremmel for the larger sizes like between #60 and 70. When you come to the really small size drills like the #80 you'd better have steady hands and a support, but it works. I still prefer the little file, have more control over things. Try it and see if you can reuse some of the broken bits. Here is another tool you may may try and that's a contacter or point file I used in aircraft or car ignition systems. I still have on in my toolbox. Hmmm, that just popped into my mind, I should put that one on my workbench Cheers,
  4. Hello Craig, Just caught up with the progress of your Mikasa. Most impressive so far. Seems that your metal etch kit has some foresight and included hole drilling patterns. I sympathize with your micro drll bit breakage. I bought a WECheer pencil type drill motor with collets that go from 0 to 1/8 inch shanks. Being the cheep - - mmm frugal, that's frugal - - Dutchman I file a new point on the broken bit, as long as I have some flutes left in it. Goof enough for wood and plastic. Hey, an old machinist trick. I'm patiently waiting for my Hr. Ms. Java kit to arrive in the mail. Other then that I started with the 1:30000 scale Young America. Cheers,
  5. Thank you very much Lawrence for dropping in and the chat. Yes, I'm rather involved with all sorts of projects. The carving will have to wait a little longer, I'm afraid. I am waiting to start with a newly developed plastic kit of Hr. Ms. Java. That's the cruiser of the Royal Navy (Netherlands) my father was killed on and went down with her. I have started with the Young America at scale 1:3000 but not making much headway. Did a lot od searching to find drawings for a Buginese schooner, but not much luck. May have to guess for the most part but as long as it comes close enough to be believable. I also started with the lines drawings for Gwen's father's ship, the Musi. They still need to be enlarged to scale 1:50 and then I really must spend some tim with this ship, the Surabaya. Too many things to do and so little time. I am enjoying you Holden Hind, she's beginning to look really nice. Keep up the good work and stay in good health. Cheers,
  6. Hello Nils, Yes, that would be marvelous experience visiting with you and your bride. Who knows what the future has in store. The Musi eh? Well I have made a start with making the lines drawings to a scale of 1:50 but am not done yet. It'll have to wait till I have completed a few other projects. One is the soon to start model of Hr. Ms. Java and the 1:3000 scale Young America. Then the VOC ship Surabaya is still half done. So little time, so many things to do. Be good and stay in good health,
  7. Magnificent work on the trawler Kees and good to hear you are doing well in the health department. Good luck with job hunting. Cheers,
  8. Congratulations Nils with the completion of this most magnificent ship. I thoroughly enjoyed following along and picking up ideas for my planned build of the M.S. Musi, the ship my father in law was the captain on. Just hope I will still be alive when I can start on it. Next time I'm in Holland I will try to drive out and visit you. Cheers and stay in good health,
  9. Wow Dave, what great progress you made since I last visited. Must have spend 3/4 of an hour ogling and reading. Been just too busy to visit but hopefully I can squeeze some time out in the near future. Our daughter and I went to Quebec City to see and visit the "tall ships" there. We had a great time and stayed in a nice apartment in the old part of the city. Your ship is beginning to look really nice with all the detail work you are putting in. Cheers and stay in good health,
  10. Impressive Craig. Nice work on the warp fix and the added reinforcement. Yes, an interesting story about that battle, great strategy on the Japanese side. Cheers,
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