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Louie da fly

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Everything posted by Louie da fly

  1. Wonderful work, Lupo. Your piece on Robert Dudley made me curious whether he he was related to Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, the favourite of Elizabeth I of England. I looked him up and it turns out he was Leicester's illegitimate son! There's a lot of fascinating information about him here: https://www.swaen.com/robert-dudley.php Your walnut timber is very beautiful, and I'm impressed by your internal lighting for the ship.
  2. Usually made out of thin willow branches (or wands), split lengthways in half. Nice and flexible, also used in such things as baskets and wattling (making 'woven" fences - or combined with mud to make "wattle and daub" walls for houses).
  3. I don't know anything about how easy or difficult it is to build, but the Saint Louis (Heller and Airfix both make a kit - there's a discussion on their relative merits at http://cs.finescale.com/fsm/modeling_subjects/f/7/t/98193.aspx) has always appealed to me, perhaps because of those wonderful "turrets" at bow and stern.
  4. Welcome to MSW, Bjørn! There is a lot of information available on this site about planking - see https://modelshipworld.com/forum/98-planking-downloads-and-tutorials-and-videos/ - read through these carefully and they should help a lot. And you should definitely start a build log. It's the best way to show the rest of us your progress, but also to get help, encouragement and advice. Instructions are here: Good luck with it, and have fun!
  5. Have a look here: and following pages where Siggi explains how he made the figures from brass sheet and copper wire, and clothes from rice paper. Your ship is 2.5 times the scale and this technique might not work for you - but then again maybe it would!
  6. You could try making your own cases - https://modelshipworld.com/topic/10344-10th-11th-century-byzantine-dromon-by-louie-da-fly-150-finished/page/54/ I worked out the overall cost - came to about $100 Australian. The main cost was the polycarbonate. It would have cost more if I'd also put polycarbonate on the back, but I have plans for a background - but that's going to be a big (A1 size) print of a picture which will cost me another $20 from the office supplies place. So $120 overall. I don't know how that compares with the cost of the ones above. If it's a lot cheaper it might be worth considering. Bill, the rake on your mizzen is better, but it still looks a bit extreme to me. Does the manufacturer supply any views of the finished kit from side-on? I expect not, otherwise you'd have mentioned it. Even your bonaventure (means "good adventure", or perhaps "good journey" in French) mizzen looks like it has a pretty extreme rake. However that may be the way the manufacturer intended it. But I'd be going with a rake on the mizzen that's about halfway between the angle of the main mast and that of the bonaventure.
  7. Beautiful work, Silverman! Not only the barrels (which are superb - I especially like the hoops made from (millet?) broom bristles), but also that amazing winch. It really makes the vessel come alive! Are you planning to put any people on board?
  8. I'm working on making the case for the dromon. A plywood body, with the "glass" made of [Edit] polycarbonate acrylic [/Edit]. Front view Back view (from "inside") The [Edit] polycarbonate acrylic [/Edit] is a separate structure which will be screwed to the body once the model is inside. I used "metal" screws because of their fine threads. Because the [Edit] polycarbonate acrylic [/Edit] is so fragile I had to be very careful about making the holes - first I drilled small pilot holes through both body and [Edit] polycarbonate acrylic [/Edit] - then larger ones - almost as wide as the outside of the screw threads. I rubbed each screw against a bar of soap (to provide lubrication), and slowly and carefully turned the screw, which acted as a die-cutter, making a female thread in the hole in the [Edit] polycarbonate acrylic [/Edit]. The guy who supplied and cut the [Edit] polycarbonate acrylic [/Edit] to size showed me how to do the gluing between the pieces - didn't reckon my inexperience, so there are a few places where the glue has interfered with the pure clarity of the surface. But not too bad for a first time. I'll be staining the plywood so it doesn't just look like cheap pine. And I have some ideas for the background panel. But don't expect anything to happen for a while. I have other things that have to be done first.
  9. Photos! We need photos! But I'd agree with earlier posters - start a build log. And put the photos in that. A build log is a great way to get feedback from other members, and help and advice. This is how to start yours:
  10. Heroic (and imaginative!) solutions. Just one question - why do the additions to the sternpost not go all the way down to the keel? You've probably got a good reason, but I can't see it at the moment.
  11. Those sails look really good. I can see the glue would hold them in the curved shape as though the wind is blowing on them once it dried, but how did you get them to take the shape?
  12. You're doing a very good job on this, Goemon. It's becoming a very attractive (and beautifully detailed) model.
  13. Probably the best bed linen is stuff that is old and worn thin - just before it's ready to be thrown out, but not so thin it's ready to rip apart when you look at it. Then it's closer to the thickness (to scale) of the original.
  14. Beautiful work on the planking, Bigpetr. That view from the bow is just amazing - what an exquisite shape! I like what you're doing with the triangles. If you can get it to work without the paint "bleeding", I think scoring the lines is probably the better way to go. Regarding the colour scheme, I like to top one with the single black stripe better than the bottom one with two. But that's just me.
  15. 1 mm should probably be ok. My planks are about that thick and I only have trouble at the stern where the plank has to twist from almost horizontal to almost vertical in a very short length- which you probably won't have on your model.
  16. Well, I've fixed the wrong track I'd got onto. I removed the outer plank on the port side (because it couldn't be fixed) and cut back the next one to the shape I'd pencilled in. Then made the replacement for the plank I'd removed and put it in place: Then repeated the process on the starboard side: And now that's sorted, I can get on with adding extra planks.
  17. Beautiful work, Rodolfo! By the way I see this picture is from the book "Le navi di Colombo" - Heinrich Winter - Ed. MURSIA, but does the book tell what is the original source?
  18. But . . . beware of the day, if your snark be a Boojum! For then - you will softly and suddenly vanish away, and never be met with again . . .
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