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Matt Cinnabar

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  1. Beautiful work on such a small scale. May I ask you or any of your readers if they have the instruction sheets for the Pyro "Independence Schooner?"
  2. If I might make a suggestion, another alternative would be to make a representative shot rack of each type, glue in the appropriate size ball bearing, make RTV castings, then make as many resin copies as you need. You have an unlimited supply, and there are no loose cannonballs to run around on the gun deck. Just a thought, but it has worked well for me.
  3. It looks like I need to educate myself, so I just bought a copy of "History of the American Sailing Navy" on Amazon.com. Less than $9 including shipping. Thank you for the reference.
  4. Marcus, thank you. Your reference on much appreciated. I failed to see it going through the topic. Again, I plead ignorance due to the apostasy of modeling aircraft for so many years. I do not know what you do not believe, but I am just getting back into sailing ship modelling after too long away. My current project is an attempt at turning an old Pyro "Independence War Schooner" into a reasonably accurate model of the revenue cutter Alexander Hamilton. Any advice or assistance would be a great help.
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