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Everything posted by Ronald-V

  1. Looks like a very nice subject to build! I'm considering it to when the time comes...but i'm nowhere near finishing the Pegasus yet, so first things first. Would be nice to see a build log from you here!
  2. Received the book yesterday and very happy with it! Looks like a very thorough book with a wealth of information in it! Will come in handy when the time comes to go scratch
  3. Very nice job on the deck planks Edward! Looking neat and sharp 👍. Nice that you try new things
  4. I use CA from ZAP available at Toemen modelbouw, works quite good! And available in different thickness
  5. Really interesting to see a build log from this model!
  6. Great start on your Pegasus Richard! very recognisable that information overload 😂. At some point...you just need to get started. Sorry to confuse you with the numbers of the bulkheads
  7. I ordered also a copy, unfortunately they are on holiday so I need to wait till the 19th of August for shipment 😭
  8. Ha you are quite busy with al those builds in such a quick tempo . Would be fun to see this come together!
  9. You are going quite fast already! Nice to follow the progress!
  10. Thanks mtaylor, that is a good tip. I will think about the whole scratchbuilding journey and where to begin
  11. Thank you Druxey! That is quite helpful. I do not have really experience in scratch building, so I need to think about it. But you need start somewhere
  12. I know it's quite an old topic, but to open a new one seemed pointless. A really nice review offcourse, but I wonder...what should I imagine with such a book and plans. Is it a sort of follow-along book? Or do you really need to know already a lot because of the complexity of this project and how to read plans etc? The plank on frame and scratch builds really appeal to me, but not a clue where to start and when you are ready for it.
  13. That is some very, very clean looking deck there! Great job! Did I missed the scale you are building this project in?
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