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Everything posted by Ronald-V

  1. That looks much better indeed. Your wicker-work (don't know if that's the right word) looks als much neater.
  2. Finished the Fore stay...pictures are not that great because the light is weird now. But you get the idea 😁 The mouse looks a bit oversized...but I can live with that with this model. I did not serve the line. Because my knowledge about this is not sufficient at this stage. You can also see the gammoning.
  3. Trying to make a mouse that sits on the fore stay. Not perfect yet... but learning. It's okay for now. The hard piece on the inside is made of polymer clay, but I need to refine the technique on the homemade jig
  4. Seeing it for the second time...I don't think it's to bad...I probably can work with it 🙂
  5. I took a look in the Pegasus box and found out that the false keel isn't straight. It's made of MDF and my understanding was that this didn't warp that much? What would the best option here? Did someone asked for a replacement from Amati? How is the service of them? Or maybe I'm gonna trying to fix it... that's also an option. I don't know how mdf exactly reacts...
  6. The quality of the materials in the Pegasus box are looking great indeed. Tomorrow I will scan the box to look if there are no parts missing. I don't either know exactly how to rig the tackle pendants. My thougts where...That I will come across them when I go systematically trough the manual. But maybe someone else can jump in with the answer?
  7. Just ordered the HMS Pegasus from Amati for my second build at Cornwall modelships The doubt was between the Syren, Granado and Pegasus...but in the end, the Pegasus was just the most appealing to me. Big step forward in complexity, but I think I can manage it with the help of the forum
  8. Tnx! You're ship also does look great! Nice clean work👍 I have at the moment not a job so a bit more free time 😉
  9. Ratlines are done! Nice to notice that you get very proficient at tying the ratlines at the end...😊
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