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Everything posted by Keith_W

  1. Missed the start of this log somehow. I shall follow with interest.
  2. Looking at the pattern of your sanded finish, I can see that managed to knock down most of the imperfections of the first few gloss coats. I could see quite a lot of orange peeling in your earlier photos. I just wanted to shout out some encouragement, don't let your patience give out just yet. Work at it and make it super smooth!
  3. When I built this kit, I just planked over the transom with some spare veneer I had from another kit, then stained it the same colour. It looks pretty convincing.
  4. Don't sell yourself short! Judging by the quality of what you have done here, you are totally ready for it.
  5. Wow, it's so realistic. It gives me the feeling I remember when I walked through HMS Victory.
  6. That is stunning! I look forward to seeing your boat all sanded and shining like a little jewel.
  7. I have been stressing out about these curved stairs from the very beginning. You make it look so simple! Well done.
  8. bigcreekdad, what Jaager said is that if it were a real ship, it would not meet the construction requirements to qualify for insurance. Now, I have no idea what criteria insurance companies back then used, but his observations about the correct pattern of deck planking are spot on. When you replank your ship, I suggest you read this: http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/Deck_PlankingIIbuttshifts.pdf
  9. I think all you need to do is sand it some more. It looks as if much of the inconsistency of the deck is due to filler occupying gaps or depressions in your planking. Don't lose hope, just keep sanding (or scraping). And yes, I agree that the filler is too dark.
  10. Yes, everything I learnt about film photography also applies to digital. Well, not the dark room stuff but you know what I mean The principles of taking pictures is still the same, just the post processing is different.
  11. Is it too late in the build to consider fibre optic lighting for your ship? Putting some lights in the hangar will really show off your effort.
  12. Anyway. Back to business. For anyone who is interested in carving, I recommend this book: http://carvingbook.weebly.com/by MSW member Bill Short. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him for a long time.
  13. Certainly very enjoyable looking at your fine ship, Pat! It's almost too beautiful to sail!
  14. Mark, I may have missed it - but where did you get those mast steps from?
  15. Chris, I was re-reading your post and then saw that you had written this. The picture you are commenting on is the 1765 Victory, pre-refit, with the open galleries. You loaded this into your CAD program? Why? If you are contemplating offering a 1765 option kit for your HMS Victory, I would be very intrigued! Please say this is so!
  16. Great work! Is it just me, or is that diamond cross-hatch deck pattern out of scale? It seems way too large to me.
  17. That test piece looks fantastic. Thank you for showing us the process. I'll keep that at the back of my mind if I ever attempt a model like this.
  18. FIRST IN!!! Can't wait for this. It's going to be good!
  19. With regard to fittings, I would much rather have the non-replaceable parts of a kit to be of high quality. This includes: all castings (figureheads and stern decorations especially), cannon, and all photoetched parts. Parts like blocks, rope, dowels, grating, and even planking can be replaced if you felt like it.
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