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Posts posted by BobG

  1. You did a really nice job in a short period of time and I'm sure the crew and attendees at the commissioning ceremony were impressed with your model even if it was as complete as you would have like it to be. Thanks for all the photos also. They stir up memories of my Coast Guard years from long ago. 

  2. 17 hours ago, gjdale said:

    Why Model Expo couldn’t have made the supplied thread a couple of inches longer is beyond me. It is not something that I can duck out to a local store to replace either. Very annoyed by this totally unnecessary error.


    I've heard that Model Expo is really good at quickly replacing defective parts etc. I think they would probably be glad to send you some longer pieces of thread if emailed them and explained the problem. I wouldn't think that it would take too long for a simple letter with the thread inside to reach Australia. It not like it's a package which takes a long time...just a thought...  

  3. 6 hours ago, gjdale said:


    Hey Bob, any progress on this beauty lately? Or did you start another build that you are keeping from us?

    Hello Grant, I still haven't made it back into the shipyard yet. I keep getting sidetracked by other things: a week in San Francisco to celebrate my 75th birthday, out of town guests, lots of time watching our beloved San Francisco Giants who are now in the championship playoffs, many hours getting my winter, container garden planted (about 30 containers), and having a hard time pulling myself away from my guitars. I have also been spending way to much time reading lots of great build logs and admiring work like you are doing on your Steam Pumper.


    I haven't started another build but the Vanguard Flirt has made it off the shelf and onto my modeling table. I will be building it alongside the Pen Duick and will be starting soon...slowly...but surely. My shipyard has been shuttered for far too long...


    Thanks for stopping by and giving me a little nudge! 



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