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Everything posted by davyboy

  1. Would likely have been an interesting read. However a message appeared telling me to remove my adblocker if I wanted to read the article. Not going to happen just to read an article in an obscure newspaper I've never heard of. Dave
  2. When Constitution reaches the same age as Victory I doubt if she will still have 12% of her original Timber Henry. Just saying Dave
  3. Hi Dave, There is a company called Metal Clay Ltd in Wareham who sell some miniature carving tools, I bought a set of 1.5mm Dockyard Tools from them last year,good quality mini carvers. Google them,I'm sure you may find what you need,they are also a bit cheaper than Flexcut. Both of which are American imports. Happy hunting. Dave
  4. Great news about the sweep port lid hinges. Speedwell at 1:48th has sweep ports 3/16"x 1/8th". I'll be keeping a weather eye open for when the size I need is available. Dave
  5. Hi Kevin, Your recovery paint job looks tip-top. Such a shame you had to do that on Boxwood. I would have removed the damaged planks and redone that area. I had a problem when planking the upper hull on my Speedwell build. I was in the middle of the 6th row of the Stbd strakes when I realised all was not well,a couple of wrong measurements😢. Hey Ho,I ripped the Boxwood (Buxus Sempevirens) off both sides plus I damaged the Stbd upper wale so that was ripped off too. **** happens,a months work in the bin. Lesson learned,pay more attention. Dave
  6. Lovely result with your hand carving Kortes. More satisfying for you than having a computer driven machine making them for you then just glueing the bits on I wish I had your skill,I am struggling a bit attempting to do the carvings on my Speedwell build. Dave
  7. Steven,Great Harry looks absolutely tip-top. You must have the patience of a saint to have accomplished this. Respect Dave
  8. Hi Chuck, Your square tuck looks very good,I made mine the hard way,only had to do one of the not so easy outer parts twice. I didn't realise that the model had two coloured areas on the outer hull.thought the upper was just shadow,need to get new specs methinks. I'll have a go at doing the red area,hopefully I don't make a mess of it. Dave
  9. Hi Maurice,top job on your first planking, Have "fun" with your sanding marathon. Dave
  10. Hi Chuck, I'm really enjoying following your build of Speedwell. I started a POB version of her back in 2019 from Davids' plans with still a way to go. I can concur with your comment about the Fashion Pieces,a few attempts of mine ended up in the bin before I had success. Just wait 'til you get to the Cathead Supporters,IMO they are worse curving in three dimensions. Dave
  11. Hi Mike,I will be following your build with interest. I started the POB version from David Antscherls` 1:48th plans in 2019,still a fair way to go yet. She does have lovely lines. Dave
  12. That line is called the Tack. Dave
  13. I mix the wood dust with sanding sealer to make a paste and fill any small gaps with that. I prefer that to using PVA glue.as I think it gives a better result. Dave
  14. Congratulations on finishing this beautiful model Greg. If my POB version turns out 1/10th as good as this I'll be very happy indeed. Dave
  15. Hi Lyle, The circled block and eyebolt in your first pic are for the Topmast top rope. Your second pic shows this block #502. The Toprope was attatched to the circled eyebolt led through a sheave in the Topmast heel up to the circled block then down. There would be a block or thimble spliced into the end of the top rope for a tackle leading to an eyebolt in the deck abaft the respective Mast. As this was only used to lower a Topmast I shouldn't bother about it as it was usually removed when a ship was underway. Dave
  16. Not ship related. Many years ago when I was in the RAF princess Margaret was to visit our base. All patches of worn or discoloured grass were sprayed green. It was also published in Station Routine Orders that the wives in Married Quarters were not to hang out their washing to dry on the day of her visit. Says it all really. Dave
  17. Underhills book is available on Abebooks for just over 18 quid including UK postage if you're interested. Dave
  18. Hi there,The Aberdeen Maritime Museum have what I believe to be the Builders Model of Thermopylae,I have seen this model when I lived in Aberdeen,it's beautiful. When the Hall Russel shipyard closed in 1992 their records were given to the Museum as I understand it. Perhaps it may be worthwhile to contact them to see if they can help you,especially with Photo's of the model. Dave
  19. Same for me here in Switzerland same error message since yesterday morning. However,thankfully MSW has re-appeared 10 minutes ago. Dave
  20. HI B:M,if you live outside the UK there is no VAT charge on your purchase/s from there. I'm not sure about the EU countries however. Dave
  21. Arthurs Seat,the Salisbury Crags and the Pentland Hills in the far distance behind Edinburgh Castle. I grew up in Auld Reekie from 1941 to the late 1950's. Your painting brought back quite a few memories. Thanks for that. BTW,love all of your paintings. Dave
  22. Hi Mark,I did some reading on this Fungus. One of the articles I read said the spores can live about 1 year in soil and up to 6 years in plant remains. I expect your wood is still infected with the spores. Any waste wood,cut-offs or sawdust I would burn if I were you. Regards, Dave
  23. I notice that a number of these small logs have a gray marking showing on the cut ends. That looks like the tree they come from had the Boxwood disease. I have the same marking on some of the Boxwood I salvaged from a container of firewood a few years ago. I know this came from a tree that was felled because it had this disease. It's ok to use in hidden or painted parts of structures but I wouldn't recommend it for exposed planking. Dave
  24. Hi Ray,you might also consider Chuck Passaros' (Syren Ship Model co) Revenue Cutter HMS Cheerful It's at 1:48 th scale. A fairly easy POB scratch build. He sells the plans and basic kit timber and also mini kits for all other items if you cant make your own. All building instructions can be downloaded from the Syren site This was my second model after building a kit previously. There are a number of build logs of it in the Scratch build post 1801 section of the forum. The Syren ad is in the RH column on the home page. If or when you do decide to repair your wreck please ditch those dreadful deadeyes,if scaled up they'd be the size of cartwheels. Kind regards, Dave
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