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Everything posted by davyboy

  1. Good evening Maurice,you have made a beautiful job on your Alert. All your research has indeed paid dividends. I look forward to following your next build,another Cutter or something more exotic I've just spent much of the past week building a Capstan for my Speedwell,had a pig of a job making the spindle. I don't have a lathe so had to make do with using dowel,no choice. However much scraping and sanding I eventually got a passable round to build upon. There are a surprising number of parts to make if you count all the wood parts never mind all the other things,bolts,pawls etc. The ten bars I'll leave 'til much later. Regards, Dave
  2. Hi David, Skip what is in the instructions and make them as I wrote as that is the correct method. It's also easier and neater,you would have 8 loops to make taking more space on the masthead. I do my shroud siezing like Pat says around a suitable sized dowel. I thread a needle with the siezing line and pass it through one of the legs at the top then take around ten turns downwards about both legs. I then pass the thread between the legs at one end of the siezing then over the siezing and through between the other legs doing so 2 or 3 times. Finally pass the needle & thread through the middle of that,apply some glue (not CA) when dry clip off. You're then good to go. This last bit sounds complicated but is dead easy to do. Dave
  3. Hi David, I assume you are referring to the shrouds. These were made up in pairs by doubling a suitable length of rope leaving enough lenght to tie in the deadeyes. The centre portion was normally served then the two legs lashed together leaving a loop sufficient to fit over the mast head. They were always fitted in the following sequence :- first pair starboard,second pair port,third pair starboard and so on. Hope this answers your query,have fun. Dave
  4. Mark,if you have a copy of Marquardts' Eighteenth Century Rigs & Rigging Davis's "The Proportion of the Rigging" tables are printed in the appendix section pages 307 to 328. If you don't have a copy maybe your local Library could help. Hope this may be of help to you. Dave
  5. LOL,when I lived in Northumberland many years ago it was called "newkie broon" or more usually "Lunatic Soup". Visited the Scottish and Newcastle brewery once and looked inside a vat of the brew fermenting,80 odd thousand gallons of it 😵 😵 Heady stuff. Dave
  6. Hi Wahka, Many builders change the 2nd planking for another wood. Pear is indeed an excellent planking timber and readily available in Europe in sheets or milled planks and not too expensive. It also has very little grain showing. Cherry and Maple are also suitable timbers. As far as historically incorrect goes most period ships were planked with oak which is not really suitable for modelling purposes at all. BTW,there is no such thing as stupid questions on MSW,that's how we all learn "how to do it" correctly Kind regards, Dave
  7. That is an interesting painting but I suspect that they were carrying out some repair work on the hull. Not only did coppering prevent a shipworm infestation but also prevented the growth of various types of marine vegetation. Copper is I believe poisonous to plants. Dave
  8. Glenn,make your own. Sand down a piece of Pearwood and mix the dust into a thick paste with sanding sealer or model aircraft dope. You are then good to go. I did this and it worked perfectly and is virtually invisible. Dave
  9. Ahem !!!!!! 1mm is 0.0394". 1/32" is 0.0312". Dave
  10. Hello Doris, These are the tackles for the Top Ropes which were used to lower the Topmasts. They were hooked to the top rope pendants which ran through sheaves in the heel of the Topmast. These pendants started from an eyebolt in the Lower Mast cap running through one of these sheaves up to a block on the opposite side of the cap then down to the tackles. There is a very good illustration of this in Lee's Masting and Rigging book (page 55). Also in R.C. Andersons 17th Century Rigging,drawing #13 items 166,167 and 168. Hope this helps with your wonderful model build. Dave
  11. Hi Matt,welcome to MSW. Dave
  12. Hi Maurice,very very nice indeed,super job👍. I look forward to the continuation next year. I had a rethink on my Speedwell POB. Didn't like the filler blocks fwd of the front bulkhead so they were chiseled out. Made the upper parts of the bollard timbers and 4 hawse timbers from pear and fitted them. Had to do some "surgery" on the fwd bulkhead and part of the lower filler blocks. Looks very much better. It was quite a job making these parts with a fretsaw,razor saw and files Regards and I wish you a Happy New Year. Dave
  13. I use medium grade aluminium oxide paper which gives very fine sawdust from the wood I'm using. This I mix to a paste with sanding sealer,works well and there's no alteration of the wood colour. Very useful for filling minor gaps in hull planking,if you don't paint it's virtually invisible. Dave
  14. Hi Srodbro,may I suggest you PM Jim Lad who is one of our mods. He lives in Sydney and is also a volunteer at the Maritime museum there. I'm sure he will be able to give you any info you require. Enjoy your cruise, Dave
  15. Greg, Doris is still working on her Royal Katherine. Can be seen on the czech forum :- modelforum.cz Now has the lower masts stepped and rigging started. I wonder why she stopped posting here on MSW. Dave
  16. Good evening Maurice, That's one of the problems with kits unfortunately. Scratch is the way forward Your idea of using 6 mm stock looks good to me anyway. I was very surprised to see what was provided in the kit for eyebolts and rings and those ghastly cast cannon,oh dear. Love your Alert print from the Science Museum by the way. I was in their shop 12 years ago hoping to replace a print of HMS Prince I bought in 1974 but was told they didn't sell prints anymore. Guess they must have started again. Dave
  17. You really need silver solder for joining brass wire. Ordinary solder is useless for this. Dave
  18. Hi André, Welcome on board MSW enjoy the voyage. Dave
  19. Hi Maurice, As usual lovely workmanship. Great job on the replacement catheads and sheaves,I like the idea of using plastic rod for them. Wish I'd thought of that on my Cheerful,I used dowels for all the sheaves. A pita as the smallest ones kept splitting when drilling . Regards, Dave
  20. Hi Mark, When I made a 90° scraper from a Stanley blade to cut the rebate on my current build I did the following. On the non cutting edges I used a small 1000 grit sharpening stone to round them down. Worked a treat,no marks on the keel. Dave
  21. Good evening Maurice,a very nice job on the "white stuff". Looking very good,I'm pretty sure the original waterline looked the same. Dave
  22. Hi Tom, Google The Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship. This will take you to the site of the San Francisco Maritime National Park Association,they have reproduced the complete book and tables there. I've that site bookmarked,a lot of reading for sure. Dave
  23. Timboat,Lees states in his Masting and Rigging book that viols were not used on ships below 36 guns. Blandford was a 20 gun ship. It's probable/possible that the Anchor Cable was led straight to the Capstan as their heaviest anchor was only 23 cwt according to Steel. Dave
  24. Hi Tom, This is from Steels elements of Standing and Running Rigging for a 50 Gun Ship fore Staysail :- Staysail halliard :- 3". Staysail sheets :- 3". Staysail tack :- 2". Staysail downhauler :- 2". Hope this helps with your decision,up to you now Dave
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