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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Wolfram zu Mondfeld, Historic Ship Models. It is not considered historically accurate on every point, but it gives a very broad treatment of both historic ships and modeling techniques. A useful little book.
  2. Since the project is finished, and this thread doesn't actually chronicle the build process, your photos would be more properly placed in the gallery for scratch-built projects. Cheers!
  3. Those are called parrels, and I'm surprised there aren't some included in the kit. They are, in fact, essentially beads at the scales we work in, so if your kit doesn't have any, just pick some up at a craft store.
  4. Cool. A distant cousin of mine was aboard Bunker Hill (CV-17) at the time of her kamikaze strike.
  5. I'm enjoying watching this build, as I believe that this is one of the truly top-shelf kits available in today's marketplace. It's a kit I would love to build if I had the money (strike one!), space (strike two!), and patience (strike three!). 🙂
  6. Yep -- it's a decor model. Monetary value = $0.00, but sentimental value is whatever you perceive it to be.
  7. Fantastic model, Gonzo, but since this is a finished model and not a build log, the photos should really go in the gallery. Thanks! POSTSCRIPT: I found the build log and have merged the two topics together. Again, great work!
  8. Yes, I think that some others among us would also like to know some details about the kit and the differences between the two classes.
  9. Click here to see some finished build logs for that kit. It looks like it produces a fine model.
  10. Caldercraft kits are well-regarded for quality. I built their Sherbourne kit and thoroughly enjoyed it. The issue with crumbly plywood mentioned above is not unique to Caldercraft. I had the same issue with some plywood parts from Amati, but was able to work around them. It's a not readily visible problem that is easy for the QC people to miss.
  11. That kit has received good reviews, and because it is new it will likely have fewer of the pitfalls that accompany older kits of full-rigged ships. But it is still a three-masted, square-rigged ship, and that it is a pretty steep challenge for a first project. Not to say that it can't be done (it has been), but in my estimation it is always wise to consider doing at least one less challenging kit as an introduction to modeling it wood, which as a craft has its own particular learning curve. One of the smallcraft models from BlueJacket or Midwest Products will not set you back too much in either or time or money, and the skills you acquire in building one will serve you well for turning Beagle into a nicely finished model.
  12. Amen to that suggestion! Plus, I do not think you could go wrong with a matched set of Chesapeake and Shannon: famous ships, famous captains, famous engagement, appeals to both sides of the pond. neither ship already available in kit form. Go for it!
  13. Personally, I have roughly zero motivation to build a model I have already built once.
  14. I personally do not use the email notifications option, so I'm not familiar with all of its particular pitfalls, but you're likely to get more traction on your question if you post it in the Questions & Instructions forum. Cheers!
  15. Great model, but since it appears to be finished, could you please move these images to the gallery for scratch-built models? Thanks!
  16. Since this is looking like a build log, I have moved the content here to Shore Leave.
  17. Yup, Duane is right. But fear not -- I moved it to the proper area.
  18. Welcome, Cozzy! If the hull is done, you really only need a set of plans that show the deck details and rigging. Lots of those available. In fact, if you google "Bluenose II plans," you can find images that show what you need. Cheers!
  19. I like seeing builds of kits from lesser-known manufacturers -- off the beaten path, so to speak. Those actually look like pretty decent castings.
  20. Welcome! I'm not familiar with that kit, so I can't answer your question. But, as Backer suggested, best way to get answers is to start a build log. Join the fun! Cheers!
  21. Peta, my Sherbourne is here. You can also use the search function and restrict the "search in" parameter to "albums" to find all the other Sherbourne albums. Cheers!
  22. When I built Sherbourne many years ago, I replaced all the kit blocks with aftermarket blocks. At 1/64 scale, the gun tackle blocks were 2 mm. They were very fiddly to work with. At 1/72 scale the problem will of course be magnified.
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