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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Yes, time flies, doesn't it? A lot of card models between now and then, but not wood. Oh, I missed a few, but they're not as noticeable in 1/72 scale. 😉 Thanks, though!
  2. Aaaaaand ... done. Will follow up soon with additional pics and final thoughts. Believe it or not, this is the first wooden kit I have completed in over a decade. 😮
  3. The struggle is real -- got all rope coils done (not the best I have ever done) and finished port side oar gallows. It was a very tight fit trying to get rigging thread through the stanchions. I had to drill out some of the holes larger -- after they were already glued onto the model. Off to bed now!
  4. Sorry for the lack of progress, but I'm having an absolute booger of a time with rope coils -- a combination of tiny scale and bad line (as discussed earlier) with excessive memory. Every one is a titanic struggle; have six done so far. Bleh. 😟
  5. Just a little pet joke of mine -- I grew up in Humboldt County, so San Francisco was pretty far south! 😉
  6. Congratulations, Brian! That is an exceptional-looking model and display. EDIT: I didn't realize that Engage was built in Stockton. My grandfather was a watchman at Rough and Ready USNSD at the time, so he might have seen Engage out and about.
  7. Don't forget San Francisco and Sacramento!
  8. Sails hung and yards trimmed. Moving right along! I plan to use the Russian name plaque in my display (why not? it's paid for) and picked out the letters with some white paint. I also ran short of the 0.4 mm thread thanks to having to re-do the sails; fortunately, I had some similar thread in my spare materials stash. I don't think the slight difference in color will be all that noticeable.
  9. Sterile = scrupulously clean. My work area is the opposite of scrupulously clean, i.e. "functionally messy." 😉
  10. A group project is simply a focus group built around the construction of a particular model. It's a mutual support kind of thing, and the back-and-forth between members is all located in a single subsection of the forum rather than being sprinkled throughout all of the build logs and other areas. There's no pressure or obligation to finish the project by a deadline.
  11. No pictures for this post, but I've been making a little progress each day. Yards are now hoisted, and I'm preparing to set up sheets and tacks. The Big Reveal is not far off!
  12. Welcome aboard, Devin! I'm a NorCal ex-pat living in South Carolina, but I did some time in SoCal as well: Echo Park, Pasadena, Montrose, Pomona, and Upland. Your longboat looks very nice. Cheers!
  13. Ah, now I see. We have a number of completed Viking longboat builds in the kit build logs section, some quite recent. Try browsing them to see if those modelers made any suggestions.
  14. I'm not allowed to show pictures of my workspace, as I am currently a fugitive from StERILE (the Society for the Enactment of Regulations for Immaculate Leisure Environs).
  15. I would hardly expect the boys at MK to make such an admission! 😉
  16. I'm not clear on what you are asking, and I don't know what is meant by "frame knockouts or strong back." What kit are you working on, and can you post a picture. BTW, I have completed four POB hulls and never used a keel clamp or building board -- have always just held the hull in my lap while I worked (and tempted to add "and I have the scars to prove it," but actually I've never really had much trouble).
  17. This is also my favorite among Columbus's vessels, simply because I like the look of the lateen rig. Never built it, though. Of course, there are a number of companies that make kits of her. If I had to pick based solely on what I know about the companies that offer a kit, I would choose either the Amati or Dusek versions. Both companies have good reputations for quality of materials. "Historical accuracy" is not so much an issue, since any version of Nina is based on a lot of conjecture.
  18. Hello, JKC (which just so happens to be my wife's initials). The reason why this type of ship is not found in kit form is that, despite their commercial importance, they are not terribly exciting to modelers on the whole. So they will probably always be a niche subject. We look forward to seeing how you tackle this project. Cheers!
  19. Nothing. Super Glue is a brand name; CA is the glue type (cyanoacrylate).
  20. Interestingly, there is another active thread on this very ship. The website you mention is described as inactive in the other thread (assuming it's the same site).
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