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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Well, the immediate beneficiary of my X-acto disaster with CGS Canada is the gunboat. Rigged the gun tackles this afternoon. I hope the boys at MK will not mind my saying this too much, but the rigging line supplied in the kit could really stand to be upgraded. However, I'm going to build this with the stuff on hand, so it is what it is.
  2. Well, thanks for the interest everyone, but tragedy has struck. While trying to trim a bit of excess card at the top of one hull skin, my steel rule decided to act on its own accord and wander away from the edge being trimmed, with the end result that there is now a long diagonal gash in the hull skin. 🤬 On top of that, I wasn't terribly happy with the way the hull was turning out in the first place. So, I'm setting this one aside for now and going back to the MK Kanonen Jolle, now that I have the corrected rigging table for it. Oh, well ... c'est la vie!
  3. Still making slow progress; will post a photo or two when I get the hull skins on. Right now I am adding teeny, tiny bulwark stanchions, 72 in total (they are optional parts, but I'm adding them anyway). I can only stand to do about ten at a sitting before I get bored. Forwards!
  4. Hi, Ann. I merged the two topics for you. Hope you get your answers soon!
  5. If those few bits at the stern are all that's loose, some of our champion rigger guys should be able to advise you. From here, the rest of the model looks to be in pretty good shape.
  6. Wow! I can't advise you on your project, but what a great story and keepsake! Good luck!
  7. Certainly! It's not uncommon for members to post logs for already completed builds.
  8. Don't rush the decision -- really savor the shopping! And don't panic about the ME sale ending tonight; they have sales all the time.
  9. Now I'm thinking that this must surely be one of the older Spanish kits, e.g. Constructo. The issue of a "minor repair" can be ticklish. Of course, it depends on how much work actually has to be done, but generally speaking repair work isn't cheap -- and that presupposes that you can actually find somebody willing and able to do the work. But if the model is otherwise in good shape, re-securing a few loose items, such as lines and blocks, may be something you could do yourself.
  10. Good idea -- a shot from directly astern may be a give-away.
  11. Bounty is a very popular modeling subject, and a lot of kit manufacturers have offered a kit at one time or another. The contrasting wood colors on your model are typically what one sees in kits coming out of Spain, e.g. Artesania Latina, Constructo, or Dikar (now out of business). Any idea how old the model is?
  12. It's funny you should ask, because I was just asking a coworker of mine the same question a couple of days ago. Control-line models were mentioned in one of our products (physics textbook), and I wondered whether high school students today would even know what one was.
  13. Good choice, methinks. No doubt substantial modifications were made to the original to configure her for exploration, and retrofitting the kit would probably have been as much work as building the bomb vessel from scratch. Looking forward to seeing your progress!
  14. I have always thought that the Tiffy's big radiator intake gave it a particularly hulking and menacing look. My card modeling interests lean toward the interwar years, but I think that I might one day have a slot in my queue for a Typhoon.
  15. Welcome aboard, Shepherd! Your job description sounds very interesting. Getting started in the tool department is always kind of tricky, and probably every modeler has tools in his possession that he thought he would need but never did, or tools that he once though were indispensable but now seldom uses. It's part of learning the craft, as well as developing your own particular style and methods. Starter tool kits can be problematic, because of course they're based on what someone else thought were the required tools, not what may work best for you; on the other hand, they can be a good way to get started. Personally, I started with a tool set aimed at model railroaders and got by reasonably well for my first couple of beginner kits. Much of what you need in addition to such a set can be acquired at any local craft or hardware store. Good beginner kits also include some advice on what tools and materials are needed to complete the kit. Take care!
  16. Allen, hull and deck questions go here. Cheers!
  17. Not to my knowledge.
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