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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Jim, I have enjoyed viewing all of your work thus far, but I confess I am particularly enamored of your depictions of the various steel-hulled vessels. Your paintings of various kinds of patrol craft, escorts, and auxilliary vessels especially seem to me to do an excellent job of capturing the look and feel of the era.
  2. Being able to successfully keep discus is quite an achievement. You should leave the fish pic in. (P.S. I used to keep and breed African cichlids in 22 tanks in my basement, which was too much work!)
  3. Since it appears you're showing how you stained the hull, I've moved it to the Painting , Staining & Weathering forum. Let us know if you want to make a build log out of it.
  4. Mike, you'll need to be a little more specific. What kit is this, and what part are you having trouble with?
  5. Kits like that? None. As Bob has suggested, if you want to go the kit route, you'll have to find something similar and modify it. Unfortunately, other than the ubiquitous Constitution, there aren't many kits of U.S. warships from that era at all, though I think Wasp might be on a certain designer's radar if memory serves me.
  6. Excellent choice, the V108. Looks good if you finish it, and little time, money, and effort lost if you booger it. Good luck!
  7. Welcome! If you are aiming for the bar set by dubz (Dirk), then you are aiming very high indeed! If you have questions specific to the Krick kit, then may I suggest posting them in the General Ship Model Kit Discussions forum? Be sure to put 'Krick Alert' in the title -- I'm sure that will catch Dirk's eye.
  8. Welcome aboard, Navarino Models, and thanks for sponsoring our site! Σας οφείλουμε ένα χρέος ευγνωμοσύνης!
  9. They probably don't make any corrections until they do a reprint. IF they a do a reprint. I think at Halinski, for example, they print one edition, and when it's gone, it's gone.
  10. Hi, Reuben. You should try to make it over to one of the meetings of the Ship Modelers Association in Fullerton. You'll find them very welcoming and helpful. Tell them Chris sent you!
  11. It would take me longer to create the spreadsheet than to just hunt down the parts when I need them.
  12. Wow! We have had some ambitious card projects started around here recently. I wish you well on this one and look forward to seeing it come together. Cheers!
  13. I see you have the finished model in the gallery. You did a very fine job of weathering it.
  14. EZ Line -- that's the stuff I was thinking of. Gonna have to remember that. Post-It note on my forehead or something.
  15. I remember someone speaking about some kind of similar stretchy rigging line, especially made for rigging steel navy type models, although I thought it was black. If it works as good as all that, I might have to give it a try. Has it got a brand name?
  16. I have always liked the lines and sail plans of these vessels. BTW, a vleetnet is called a gill net in English. Good luck!
  17. I would respectfully disagree with Ron. I can't speak for Amati's regular lineup of kits, but the Victory Models line is very good. I have also seen some comments made on MSW to the effect that Caldercraft's quality control has in recent years been kind of hit-or-miss. Even so, I wouldn't hesitate to buy a kit from either company. I can also say with regards to Victory Models that even though the kits are very good, there's still some compromises made in the name of making the product profitable, same as for all kits. Thinking mostly of a few off-the-shelf fittings, kit-grade rigging blocks, etc.
  18. **groan** (But with puns, groan is good. )
  19. I have only built one kit from Answer, but that was a Fiat CR.42 Falco. The printing was very nice (I have the model on my desk here at work), but the diagrams were a bit lacking. I wish you well on this build, whenever you get to it.
  20. It's quite possible that the tiny white spots may need drilling out later, but OTOH they may just be locator marks. Double-check with the plans and drawings. BTW, a "cartonist" is the word that many of our European friends use for a card modeler (carton/karton = paper/cardboard).
  21. I hadn't seen either of these before. The History Buffs clip is particularly worth watching. As far as the deleted scenes go, I can see why they were relegated to the cutting room floor -- none of them really advanced the story line to any degree.
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