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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Gary, Happy late Birthday. It is always a pleasure to see your post, I have been following it since I first started on MSW 1 back in 08. When you get back to her Please keep the Pictures coming, I am always watching.
  2. I wish this one was in English, I would get it if it was. I have a few different book from ANCRE that I bought some time back a few years ago. I also got the first two volumes of the 74 Gunship and I love them. To bad more of the ones that Ancre sells are not in English.
  3. Kevin, By the pictures I can see that your doing an excellent job. Keep the pictures coming.
  4. I think you are right in what you said. On the name on the ones I seen built it just say Confederacy, This could almost be a pissing contest as to what it was call. Thank you for posting what you said. So far there are only two that I know of that are fully rig all the rest just have the stumps for the mast.
  5. Kevin made a good point, with 3D printing it will be easy for anyone to copy someone hard work and then make money on it. Like what has happen with Chuck. So in some ways it will back fire on the people who do all the work in designing a part or parts.
  6. It was almost 1800 before it was the US Navy. That is why the Confederacy wasn't named USS, if I remember right it was the UFC Confederacy ( I probably got the UFC wrong, and I know someone will correct me on that).
  7. The points that are made about the 3D printer as to not being the easy button is true by all means. It is like a computer it will only output what is inputed into it. You still have to make the CAD drawing of the part or parts that you want made. Now in order to do the CAD drawing you need to learn the software and that is a whole new ball game, I know that for a fact. Just ask anyone who designs in CAD and they will tell you. Some people find CorelDRAW to be easy well thats good but there is still a learning curve and then there are some things you can not do in that program because it is not a true 3D CAD program. Everyone thinks its easy, well if that was the case everyone would be doing it. Now don't get me wrong I think 3D printing is going to be the future in this business, but you will still need people to make the drawings, and right now not everyone can afford a good 3D printer, and then also afford a good CAD program, some people like 3D Max me I like SoildWorks take a look at the price for SoildWorks, heck you can get AutoCAD from "Tiger Direct" and that goes for $3500.00 for the newest version. It will be a long time before things get a little cheaper and with the ways things are now people losing jobs and so forth I don't see it happing for the hobby person, I do wish I was wrong but I am sorry to say I am not. There is a heck of a lot that goes into making a kit, and the better you try to make it the more it will cost. I do want this kit of the Victory but just think of what the price is going to be, dam I am going to have to cut out at least one coffee and donut a day and still not have enough to pay for the kit LOL.
  8. MOHO the Sherline is way better for the money. Also you can get more add ons for the Sherline, also you can get them from other stores. But this is just my option. Its like a saw or thickness sander from Jim B., you can not beat them.
  9. Kevin, Yes this would me a nice first scratch for you. Rusty, Glad to see you back again. Keep the pictures coming, I also like this build.
  10. Timmo, Excellent work on the stove stack, and the paint job you did with the stuff from the pencil made it look more real. Keep the pictures coming.
  11. Congrats Kevin, glad for you. Keep the pictures coming.
  12. janet, You will not be unhappy with the machines. Here in the US the shipping isn't that bad. Once you learn the basic of the machines you will always be looking for ways to do something, and it will go on and on. You will see in time that you will start making your own tool instead of buying them. Get the books for them, the one Table top is very good, if you get it read it from the beginning, he tells you what all the tools are for and what can be done with them. Have fun.
  13. This I will be waiting to hear how it worked. Thanks for posting this and will be waiting for more pictures.
  14. SkerryAmp, it is only in the UK area. They don't sell to the USA. I have try a few times talking to the company but it not going to happen. Like you and a few others I would like to try one. The company that makes some of the kits don't sell them outright as a full kit either, not sure why.
  15. I am probably wrong but it does sound like the motor doesn't have the power to do cuts in hard wood more than 1/4" thick. So if I am right then that means that a saw by Jim B. is the only way to go. So this will be another item that I wasted money on, such is life. This is what I get for trying to be cheap LOL.
  16. Mike, The list can go on and on. You will need the collets, adapters for end mill bits, vise and Tilting Angle Table. The two books will be a big help, the first one will tell you what different add ons can do and what they are use for. Go over that book page by page and then figure out what you need to get started and go from there, buy what your going to need as you go, unless you have the money and the BOSS isn't going to say anything LOL. Good luck with your Mill and Lathe.
  17. Excellent work on the detail, it stands out big time. This is going to turn out beautiful when you done. Keep the pictures coming.
  18. I agree with Jim, Please keep the pictures coming.
  19. Dam now that is big. Glad I am bying a house soon, will need the big room to put her in. And your step daughter is very nice looking. I do want this ship. More pictures Please.
  20. Nice work on the gun carriages, takes time but it is worth it in the end. Keep the pictures coming.
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