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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Chuck, Thanks for re-posting this build. To me it is a nice small beginners build not to hard but with all the detail can become a beautiful looking boat. Thanks again.
  2. Rusty, Thanks for re-posting this log, I was watching this one from the beginning. Please keep the Post and pictures coming.
  3. Thanks for posting this build. Yes after about 72 hours or more the shine won't be there. I like the work you are doing, keep the post and pictures coming.
  4. Rusty, Glad to see that your back. I had been watching your build and was hoping to see it back. Your doing an excellent job. Looking forward to seeing more.
  5. I remember when you were doing this build. I have a lot of your old pictures back home, but I think they might be mix with other in different folders. I will look when I get back to the states and see what I have and maybe I can send them to you if you still want them. I had enjoy watching this build.. You did an excellent job with this ship, a real excellent job.. This is not an easy build by any means.
  6. Mark, I got the first one you show but mine is by proxxon, which is basically the same as yours. I also have the same problem, fat fingers.
  7. Karl, You have made my day knowing that you going to be back up. I know you have a lot of your pictures on other forums, so if you can could you start posting them here again. Thank you very much for coming back
  8. I also have been enjoying the cross sections more and more. Glad to see you got yours up and going again. Never heard of "Jewish bittum" before this is the first time, also not sure I spelled it right. Could you maybe tell what it is?
  9. Nice work. Maybe you could write up a PDF and have one of the Mods put it in the database for everyone else that has thought about doing this. But do understand not all of us are good with electric, so it would have to be written so that anyone could understand how to do it.
  10. Mobbsie, So what you new, we were all new at one time or another. Glad to see you up and posting again. This is a ship I have always look at, it was Nelsons favorite ship. If you start having problems just ask and post a picture and someone here will be more than happy to help. Keep the post and pictures coming.
  11. It could also be because that link was put up with out the owner permission and that is a copyright issue, if that is the case I doubt you will see it again on here. Chuck if very much against that sort of thing. If it was on the site that Mark and I said we think it could be on, you might have to put your hand in your pocket this time.
  12. Your going to find that the instructions are not always right, a lot of times your going to need to use your mind and like playing chess, look 3 moves ahead. Others are probably going to tell you the same thing, look ahead before you do what it say. Just my 2 cents before the penny is no more.
  13. Start making some sawdust, and keep the post coming.
  14. Now this what I have been waiting for. Glad your up and posting again. Excellent work. Man that is big, you need another house to keep it in.
  15. Good to see that your back. Will be watching so keep the post coming.
  16. Ed, Glad your back, I have a lot of your pics save, but not all of them. I am also waiting for Vol 2 when it comes out. You said something about the Victory? Is this a new build or one from before?
  17. Now that is one I will have to remember to try out. Thanks for the tool tip.
  18. Sorry to hear about the deck, but at least you got it fix. The planking looks good. Keep the pictures coming.
  19. Excellent work. I also like the color of the wood. Keep the post and pictures coming.
  20. Would like to see the Hood that you did in 1/200 scale is you can find the pictures and maybe put them in for us to see.
  21. I started watching from when you first started. Hopefully I will get to see it finished. Thanks fro re-posting and Please keep the pictures coming.
  22. Thanks for re-posting again. I enjoy this build and hope to see more pictures and post from you
  23. I do believe Mark is right as to where it was from. Also that is a very good site. Just my 2 cents (before the penny is no more LOL)
  24. Nice to see your back. Please keep the Post and pictures coming. I enjoy this build and will be watching all the way to the end.
  25. Thanks for re=starting this log, also the pictures from the NMM and your drawings are a treat to see again. Please keep the Post and pictures coming, I will be watching this to the end.
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