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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Using a 4 jaw check would have been a better option from the start. But like the person also said, it is best to think things out before hand, and if possible try and do it on a practice piece first, which he wasn't able to do with this project. Look on the web would also help in trying to figure out the best way, and then last but not least when you are not sure "ASK HERE OR ON THE WEB" and someone is sure to post the way to do it. The project in hand was not something that needed to be done right at the moment so you could have waited to see if someone would have replied back with an answer. It is good that you didn't get hurt with the first setup, someone must have been looking out for you. I have been lucky in the past with some thing I have done on a wood lathe, and later when I really look at the way I did it. I ask myself why did I take a chance doing it that way when I know better, but we all learn and sometime we learn the hard way. I been lucky in things I have done.
  2. Excellent tip,one I am sure most will want to remember I know I will. Thanks.
  3. Gary, The log is getting there, I love every minute of watching her being done over and over again. Keep the post and pictures coming.
  4. If I remember right, Paul had show us a picture of a ship back in the day and these was a lot of talk about a flag that was use that the model sat on. So I have to agree when not sure don't show it. If you want to know for sure PM a Admin and ask him or her the question.
  5. Thoses pictures are excellent, do you remember which program he was using?
  6. The engine came out beautiful mate. Keep the post and pictures coming.
  7. Karl, The chairs look so real as does everything else. Keep the post and pictures coming.
  8. Page 2. Dam you got a long wayto go if I remember the numbers right LOL. Wish you the best of luck with getting the log up to date.
  9. Nice work, looks to be a beautiful ship. Keep the post and pictures coming.
  10. Now that is a neat way of doing this, love the jig. Keep the post and pictures coming.
  11. Gil, I am thinking that second time around is better than the first time I see this part of the update. Keep the post coming.
  12. Excellent work Gil, I remember this from before and am glad to be able to see it again.
  13. Karl, The floor in the room looks like it is real. Keep the posting and the pictures. When I get back to the US on the 3rd of marh I will D?L this this time so that I have it for sure. I know I have nost of the pictuyres but they are mix with others.
  14. Paul, AS lways your work is excellent. This is going to be one be beautiful ship when it is all said and done. Keep the Post coming.
  15. No problem, work and family always come first. Will be waiting for the next update.
  16. Nice trick with the chair, still look scary to me, but if it works don't screw with it. Love the carving work, just beautiful. Keep the pictures coming.
  17. Lars, Glad your back and going to put her back up, I had been watchin from the beginning and would like to see it finished. Keep the post coming.
  18. I remember seeing this before the crash, look just as beaaautiful as before. I like seeing things done again, they seem to stick in my head a little more. Keep the post and pictures coming. I started watching this before he crash and intend to watch all the way to the end.
  19. The arches and windows look excellent as does all of the ship. Keep the post and pictures coming, I am watching this one all the way.
  20. Remco, Thanks for putting the PDF's up for all of us. The mast are just beautiful, I am lost for words, there isn't anything more that I can say that hasn't already been said. Keep the post and pictures coming, I am always watching.
  21. Words can't describe this. It is beautiful by all means of the word. Thanks for sharing such an excellent model.
  22. Thanks, And thanks to Chuck for adding this to the database.
  23. Greg, Glad you made it back, I like others will be following this to the end so keep the post and pictures coming. I am learning by watching your build.
  24. Toni, Glad to see your up and posting again. Keep the post and pictures coming, I like other will be watching.
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