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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. "The measure and merit of an individual is not how they handle themselves in times of prosperity and good will, but how they handle themselves in times of turmoil and chaos" G'day Dany This quote of yours is so true. Looking forward for your next update with open hands. Havagooday mate Greg
  2. G'day Alexandru . I'm like everyone else, we are in total respect of your craftsmanship! I'm so glad that you have taken your time to take photos of even the smallest detail, from start to finish. I'm haven't used ebony myself, but I believe it's very brittle, so its is amazzzzzzzzing how you bent it in your previous photolesson. Again brilliant mate. Havagooday Greg
  3. G'day Dave Amazzzzzzzzing is all I can say. I think you are going so bloody fast on the decos, but it doesn't affect the final result. Again simply fantastic. Havagooday Greg
  4. I've just realised what I was trying to put my finger on... not saintly, but heavenly! I woud feel that I have died on gone to heaven if I was the owner. Havagooday Patrick Greg
  5. G'day Patrick. Wow, wow, wow thats amazing mate. There's something saintly about this boat, I can't put my finger on it! The huge tiny tv is a great tough mate. Looking forward to see more. Havagooday my friend Greg
  6. G'day Denis Glad that you are feeling a bit better. Remember, a family that shares is a wonderful thing. .... even though it the dreaded flu. It looks like that you will be busy for a loooong time with all of those builds waiting on the back burner. Havagooday mate Greg
  7. Simple brilliant! I wsh I can express myself better, but my mind is still numb with that Incrediblywow details in that last photo! goodonya Vince Greg
  8. G'day Toni brilliant job on the assembly line. Heny Ford would be very proud of you! It was a great idea to drill the holes before it was cut! As you said it was far less fiddly this way. Havagooday Greg
  9. G'day Patrick I just realized how you got your name, assuming I'm correct. .... Saint Patrick, I wonder? Havagoodone mate Greg
  10. G'day Patrick Happy belated birthday. Sorry that I missed it yesterday, hoped that you had a great day my friend. Allthebest Greg
  11. G'day Vince Again a bloooodymarvelous job! I love the way that you done the open doors on the forecastle bulkhead. They really look like there's an opening there with the black matt. Well done memattieee! We can all see all the hours that you have put in and "it's time well spent". Havagooday Greg
  12. G'day Nils My admiral and I will keep you in our prayers. There's nothing worse than the constant pain from the nerve. It's not only the pain, but the weakness in your limbs. I've had this for 20 years and you do learn to live with it, but you have to spend less time on the things we love to do!
  13. G'Day Denis Hope that your loving partner and your son will soon be ok. Look after them mate, they're your family and it might be hard to believe, model come second after your family! Hope things will soon be normal and you can get back to your models. Eany, Meany, Minor or Moe. Havagooday mate Greg
  14. Amazzzzzing WOW! She's a very beautiful model Nils. So much detail in such a very small scale! "Your blood is worth bottling" (an Ozzie saying meaning that you or your talents are rare) Havagooday mate Greg
  15. Thank you so much for sharing your techniques. I was a bit of a bummy to ask after I saw what you did. Thanks a million Alexandru. Greg
  16. G'day Keith I'm just wondering, when we'll see your latest update of your transom? You method is so unique and I'm sure it will be copied over and over again. Not trying to push you along, but my face is starting to turn a very dark shade of red,from holding my breath between your posting. ...lol
  17. G'day Alexandru Again Bravo! Great website! One question thought, how did you make the arch and curved fancy timber work the on curved area? See photo below. Can't wait for for your next mind boggling log! Havagooday mate Greg
  18. G'day Mark I'm not putting my penny worth in, this time! I know whichever you choose would be amazing, your current model is a "claton" french ship anyway, before it was captured by the British. If I'm not mistaken. Havagooday mate Greg
  19. Ditto from me as well. I assume all Ozzies think the same! Right Patrick? Haveagreatone Mark Greg
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