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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. No problems mate and thanks for your secrets, it will only be among us! Ok. Lol
  2. Patrick, you have too many Gregs and no George! I assume that you are still partly asleep over in WA.
  3. G'day Danny I've got another question, I'm not calling it dumb this time. Lol. The pump tubes has the chain going through it. Did you open the end of the tube only to show us the chain, or is it the way it should be? Again great craftsmanship in every details. Havagoodone and a "colddy" for me. Greg
  4. G'day Patrick. The tender looks good to me! What do you mean "more details"? The jet skis will be a huge challenge for a tenny weeny objects! Havagooday mate and stay cool Greg
  5. Thanks Dave Just an idea from Doris. She makes her figures on the back paper of contact sheeting, and it works for her. Havagooday mate Greg
  6. G'day Dave I didn't explain my question in the correct manor. Before you place the dragons in the oven, did you remove it from the glass or waited till it dried a bit then placed them in the oven, or what did you do? I think trying to remove the dry, unovened piece it would brake up. On the other hand the ovened piece would stick to the glass and would brake up when removed. Hope tht you understand my question now. Thanks for the temperature info on your previous post. Greg
  7. G'day Denis Don't worry about Mark's idea, I've got a better one. Do an Australian theme and have a beach scene with santa lying on a beach towel and his suit hanging on a tree! Lol Havagoodone mate Greg
  8. G'day Dave Great work on the two dragons. Amazing detail! Question: do you do the work on glass and let it harden before you place it in the oven or what do you do? Havagooday mate Greg
  9. G'day Nils Thank you a thousand time wouldn't be enough for the enjoyment that I've had over the past few weeks, looking and absorbing you fantastic build. You not only showed me that you are a truly a master model craftsman but a ingenious and imaginative person who would put any non-related objects and turned them into an amazing fixture that anyone should be proud of. I take my hat off to you! I have read many people saying that this model is amazzzzzzzzing and using other words to the same point, as Patrick has mentioned in one of comment that there are not enough superlative to describe your work. I agree with him one hundred percent! So all i can say is: Ihre Arbeit aus diesem Wort ist und das Modell , oder sollte ich sagen , ist Kunststück eines seiner Art , und ich bin privilegiert, Zeuge zu sein und ich warte mit offenem Mund für mehrere Einträge. So if my translation is incorrect here is what I wanted to say in english! Your work is out of this word and this model, or should I say, art piece is one of it's kind and I'm privileged to be a witness and I'm waiting with my mouth open for more entries. Havegooday mate Greg
  10. G'day Mark Just brilliant work on the windows, I reckon not only your fingers were saw, your eyes must be saw as well. Havagooday Greg
  11. G'day Ben The fun part in modeling is 5he fine details that the modellers put in. Rushing is not in my handbook as Denis has mentioned. Take your time and enjoy it at same time you give us the enjoyment as well. Havagooday Greg
  12. G'day Dave I've a proxxon saw bench, and its bloody marvellous. I'm quite lucky because Proxxon Australia is about 3 minutes drive from me and Mark is so helpful. I recommend anyone in Oz to buy stuff from them. well mate Havagooday Greg
  13. G'day Denis I'm hooked on this log, can't wait for your next log update. Again your shingles are looking great. Havagooday mate Greg
  14. I agree with them, but it's up to your usual extremely high standard that a master shipwright could achieve. Way beyond me or many others, if I may be so bold. Havagooday mate Greg
  15. G'day Patrick amazing details in the engine! I've got a stupid question: Does the engine actually work? I wouldn't be surprised if they do. Stay cool mate Greg
  16. Words cannot express my true thoughts about this incredible model, Alexandru. All I wish, that one day, I can do half as good and I'll be a very happy modeller. Greg
  17. G'day Marsalv amazzzzzzzzing is all I can say! Love your paintwork and colour scheme. just incredible. Greg
  18. Është i shkëlqyer, Det er fremragende, Se on erinomainen, Se on erinomainen, Είναι εξαιρετικό, Tá sé den scoth, To doskonała, Det är utmärkt, C'est excellent, they all mean EXCELLENT and that is what your workmanship is Dave. Havagooday Greg
  19. G'day Mark the widows are so good. Was there any warping sideway and up and down, or just twisting? The small size of the timber would almost be impossible to be done without your death star. Havagoodone mate Greg
  20. G'day Denis Wow, amazing work that you have done. The shingles, doors, door nobs etc looks superb. Sorry that I was missing in action for a week or so, but what I've seen, does you proud. What's your thoughts about the roof? Aren't you going to keep the pitch roof? It's a pity after all the brilliant work on it, and not to keep it, but it's up to you. I always trust your ideas. Keep them coming Havagooday Greg
  21. G'day Mark Just started to read your log. Excellent comes to my mind. Love your balustrades and windows. Its a great pity they both will be only partially viable. Havagooday mate Greg
  22. G'day Dave Firstly, I thank you to the bottom of my keel for your in depth and informative answer. Also your work is so impressive. Havagooday Greg
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