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Everything posted by KeithAug

  1. Valeriy, you seem to have a never ending supply of brass. In the UK there are only a few specialist suppliers of thin sheet brass and they are rather expensive. Is the supply situation in Ukraine much better?
  2. Well the family are all gone and it's back to some workshop therapy. I continued cutting out the inside of the frames and test fitting them on the base board. I am at that interesting stage where she is starting th look like she will become a ship at some point. Many hours later. I also started to sort out the bow.
  3. Nils, Keith, Phil, Veszett, Rick, John, Pat - thank you all for your comments and well wishes. Also thanks to everyone for the likes. I trust you all made merry and had a wonderful time.
  4. Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. I particularly took to heart Phil's advice. Now that my quarantine period is ending I feel it is safe to make a bit of further progress. My fixation with alignment continued so I drilled an extra sequence of 6mm holes towards the keel end of the frames. i then made myself a simple sled for the Byrnes saw. I wanted to cut with both the front and rear fences as the datum face so I took a bit of care to ensure that both fences were truly at 90 deg to the blade. I then cut out the notches for the base board longitudinal upstand. i then used the same set up to cut the outer surfaces of the up-stand before removing the waste part with the scroll saw. I then re-stacked the frames to check the profile of the rail edge. I then started removing the core of the frames in areas that were possible locations for modelling some below deck detail. This involved a lot of accurate scrolling on the lines to avoid the necessity for a difficult internal sanding operation. | also used the table saw to cut the keel slots. As I made progress I started temporarily placing the frames on the building board. I also checked the provisional keel alignment with a 6mm silver steel rod as I went. i still have plenty of frames to finish and hopefully I will get some more done once the family have departed late next week. I am currently typing this one handed with the computer balanced on the arm of the chair. The other arm is occupied by a sleeping nearly 4 months old bundle of joy. I am very happy. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas. Best regards. Keith.
  5. Merry Christmas Eberhard. As you say a possible update was very enticing.
  6. Looks almost finished Nils. Love the detail. Are you on a mission to finish it before the new year?☺️
  7. Hmmm! you are probably right Phil - the admiral agrees with you!😬 Unfortunately Bob I wasn't in a position to be able to study the surgical instruments. I'll ask what they use on my next visit. Possibly Tom but the set up time would probably be longer. My plan is to cut the slots using a home made table saw sled thus avoiding all the clamping that would be involved in using the mill. Thank you Nils.
  8. I continued my push to make progress and spent a chilly day in the workshop. Having cut the frames I set up the mill to accurately drill the 6mm alignment holes. I started by mounting a cutting board in the mill and milling the datum edge of the board to give a true "X" axis datum. The first set of holes were then drilled from this datum with the "Y" axis locked. I progressed like this until the first set of alignment holes were drilled. I then assembled them on a 6mm silver steel rod to check the correct hole positioning.
  9. Unlikely Andy. More likely to be a new dress and jewellery. I'll look very fetching on boxing day.
  10. Yes John - they are a millstone around my neck and I suspect that if they buy me stuff it will only be because they want to borrow it.😐 Thank you Pat.
  11. Fortunately I completed my first 2 week dust free sentence on Monday. I don't yet have a date for the second eye so I though I had better "make dust while the sun shines" - well actually it has been bucketing it down for weeks but you know what I mean. And so it was time to power up the scroll saw to test out the good eye. I partially cut out 42 frames. I cut about .020" on the waste side of the hull lines and then sanded back using the disk and spindle sanders. Only the hull outer profiles are cut at this stage. The up-stand for the baseboard isn't cut and neither are the keel slots, deck profiles or the inner profiles. I still have a lot of work to do but at least I made a start. Christmas is fast approaching and the family are turning up a week tomorrow. So only a few workshop days available until the new year when presumably the second eye will disrupt progress.
  12. She is looking very neat John. I bet the museum visitors are well impressed.
  13. I think they also cook the Christmas turkey on the Barbi wearing Tshirts and shorts while knocking back tinnies. How do they expect Santa to operate his sleigh when they insist on celebrating Christmas in the middle of summer. All very strange!
  14. An even better idea - the festive season should be amazing. Glad to hear things are improving but this increases the incentive to have as many cocktails as possible before you are completetly better.😁
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