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Everything posted by KeithAug

  1. I don't know how it is possible to make such quick progress. Do you ever sleep?
  2. Keith - I finished my machine training when I was 17 and although i worked in engineering roles throughout my career I was never required to cut metal again in anger throughout my working life. I only started machining again when I retired. It's amazing what you remember over the period of 43 years (between the age of 17 and 60).
  3. Thank you all for your kind comments. I'm not sure they were very interested in my boat building skills Keith. Today I did a bit of assembly - feels more like progress than many tasks. I thought I would start with a photo of the main mast taken several weeks ago - just to give some idea of scale. I think I am going to need to start a negotiation with my better half on Germania's final display location. The main mast cross trees started out little bare. But soon acquired a pair of deck flood lights. Then the various electronic appendages started to appear together with the ships horn. I needed 6 aerials - made from wire and bar - a simple bit of turning. A quick coat of paint and they were then glued into holes previously drilled in the cross trees. I also added the cables which support the top mast. I left the radar off for the time being. I then move to the foremast - which was somewhat simpler.
  4. Interesting process for making the blocks, they turned out very well. What are the dimensions for the 3 sizes please?
  5. interesting vessel and nicely built. It would be nice to see a build log for your next boat Welcome aboard.
  6. Some time ago a post prompted a degree of speculation about some electrical boxes at the base of the main and fore masts. The speculation prompted their inclusion.
  7. thank you Steve, Keith, Pat and Micheal. I decided to make the boom track and runners next. I didn't have a lot of detail of the sliders and because of the number (circa 70) I decided to repeat what I did on my Altair build. The track was the rail from OO gauge model railway. The booms were slotted on the mill to take the base of the track and the track was glad in place with CA. The runners were machined from a 1/8" x .5" brass bar. This was first drilled with 2 holes, the larger being 3/32" and the smaller bine 1/16" A .040" slot was cut into the smaller hole using the table saw. I made a jig to hold the brass bar for the slotting operation. The ends were then cut off on the centre line of the larger hole. Then a 3/32 brass tube was soldered in the semi-circular hole. Another small jig was made to aid accurate slicing off of the runners. With that little exercise complete it was back to more mast and boom work. I think I am going to short circuit some of the detail and only focus on the major bits.
  8. Excellent machine work Valeriy - both the stopper and the fairlead.
  9. Amazing detail Patrick. Glad to see you back. Happy new year.
  10. Is that a Port bottle cork? Suddenly working in miniature is becoming a lot more appealing.
  11. Valeriy / John - excellent - i had worried that this was a lost resource.
  12. I hope the fibreglass works. A 3rd start is too soul destroying to contemplate.
  13. The cradle turned out well, it sets the boat off beautifully.
  14. Beautifully done, quite sad to see it finished. What next?
  15. Happy New Year Jon. I enjoyed catching up, thank you.
  16. The metalwork continues to impress, I look forward to the next update.
  17. Thank you Mark. however Brett is correct and Underhills plans were very extensive covering all sorts of subjects including Thames barges, fishing boats, steamers etc etc. Underhill seems to have made it a life work to draft plans for all sorts of historic vessels. Model Dockyard seemed to have all of them but now only a few seem to be available on the web. It would be very disappointing if this body of work had met its end with the demise of Model Dockyard.
  18. Brian - That looks really neat but I am sure that even with a desk organiser my workbench would be back in its usual state 30 minutes later. You seem to have made a lot of progress and I particularly liked the rudder detail and smoke stacks. Beautifully crisp work.
  19. Hello Brett, nice work on the hull, it turned out very clean and given your plasticard construction technique I am impressed it turned out so well. It would have been good to see more of the process. I too considered building Servia a few years ago but abandoned the plan because my fingers and eyes don't cope well with detail at 1/192 scale. I had a look at Harold Underhills plans and like you have recently found these difficult to find following the demise of Model Dockyard. I wonder if other members know of an alternative source for Harold Underhills extensive range of plans?
  20. Happy New Year Eberhard. You have been busy over Christmas. I loved the rifles and the sky lights are a masterpiece of miniaturisation.
  21. Happy new year to you all. Christmas went off to plan with all the immediate family making it home disease free. We were lucky. Thank you to all of you who visited my posts over the festive season and a particular thank you for the comments and likes. I managed to get some work done on Germania but it was a bit erratic which unfortunately means the posts will be a bit rambling. Most of the time went towards making the main and foremast booms. They are both circular with tapers towards each end. I won't bore you with the details but basically I turned down dowel and then sanded tapers on each end. Before sanding the tapers I machined the dowels to take the end fittings and tracks for the sail sliders. I used my mill with the dowel clamped in a square collet block to facilitate machining of the features at right angles. Slots were cut using end mills for the track and gooseneck attachment brackets. The high attachment features were filed to shape and drilled. Hoops were turned, drilled and slipped into place. The track was made from model railway train track. This was glued into the axial slot previously machined. A few more shots follow showing the details of the end bracket fabrications. Once the brackets were fixed in position the outer surfaces were rounded to match the curvature of the boom. The hinges were made and attached to spigots which inserted into axial holes in the booms. And then the hoops were positioned and fixed with brass pins.
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