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Everything posted by trippwj

  1. Good to see this one back active again - great job on the shrouds! Unlike others who shall not be named, I refuse to say anything about ratlines!!! (Ooops, I said it...)
  2. You spend a boring New Years eve, Andy. But will we reach 100 before Augie catches a fish?
  3. Enjoy the fishing! I might just be done with the drive to Maine when you get back!
  4. Very nice work. I like the rails on the cabin roof.
  5. An Augie-graphed volume of The Best of Nietzsche....
  6. Just finished loading the truck. A quick cleaning and I will be on the road again.
  7. That hull came out very nice - where can one see this mysterious stagecoach???
  8. Lb - no, we are here. If we were there it wouldn't be there it would be here. Works on my 6 year old g-daughter!!
  9. Thanks for clarifying that, Adam. For a moment I thougjt Kevin's wabbits had hijacked his computer!
  10. Welcome back, Mike! Look forward to your Endeavor's return!
  11. Welcome, Martin - will pull up a seat in the front here and learn as you go! Maybe Sjors will bring some popcorn with him.
  12. Hmm...do marmots drink beer while snacking on rigging spiders? Your Syren really did turn out a beauty, Augie. You can be quite proud of the result!
  13. You continue to amaze me, Paul! Fantastic detailing and realism! Congratulations on the adoption!
  14. Your Goth is progressing nicely, Popeye. Strange place here...Sjors reserves you a rocking chair, we digress to flip-flops, Sherry suggest you need the commode and then Adam brought in thongs. I get so confused!
  15. Anyone else notice that Andy seems to be the first post on each new page (94 and counting)?
  16. Glad to hear the RV is finally ready! Will be hitting the road from Arkansas for Maine (last time I hope) Wednesday. Hope to be back building by September.
  17. Coming along nicely, Max. The improvisation in the cockpit came out fine!
  18. Commodore Sjors, SIR! My humble apologies for the tardiness of this response, Sir. The dinghy came out very well - good job SIR!
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