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Everything posted by trippwj

  1. Wicked good to see you getting back into it, Adriaan. I'm with you - an hour at the work bench or with a good book beats the TV anytime! Now I just need to get back to the bench...I hear some sawdust calling my name!
  2. Enjoying watching the glue dry, Tim. I love these half-hulls so am following along!
  3. Good luck on the job, Rich! NWS Dahlgren would be sweet! BTW - your Niagara is looking mighty nice.
  4. Ouch! But, then again, what model has been built without a small amount of blood, sweat and cursing? Good luck with the courses, Max - we'll be here when you get time to build!
  5. That stand is very nice - and the planking is coming along well. Ignore them....you're not crazy, just easily distracted!
  6. Hello, mmott. I think either set would be a good starting point. For the Phantom, a good set of blades, the plane and a pin vice with a couple of bits would be useful along with an assortment of sand paper. If you can find some forceps (locking tweezers) those would also be helpful when you get to the rigging. For the most part, you will start to figure out what you need beyond the very basic tools John posted as you get further along with the model. I am adding to my collection a little at a time - usually after I run into a challenge and look for a new way to overcome. For example, a couple of pairs of small pliers when I started the rigging and needed to hold some small fiddly pieces of wire.
  7. Safe travels, Grant - and let me know when you start taking orders for custom blocks!!!
  8. Well, gosh! This place sure got crowded in a hurry!!!! I guess I'll pull up a seat here in the balcony between the moose and the gnomes. On with the show!!!
  9. Very nice work, Kevin! The craftsmanship is quite pleasing to the eye!!!
  10. Looks nice! Did your designer specify a shade of black????? :P :P I had the opportunity to stop at Bluejacket yesterday wile dropping my grandson off at his house. Next time, I will bring a camera! Great people, nice set up with most of thier kits built and on display. Could have spent hours there, but had too many errands to run. The upside is that both son and grandson perked up looking at the ships - both are starting to ponder the possibilities! The Admiral is also very interested and may tackle one of the kits on the shelf to see how it goes. Again, nice work, and good luck with the next design decisions!
  11. Slow and steady, Sjors...slow and steady! Boredom is your friend when recovering - just not a long term friendship! Glad to hear you are fever free today and that you are following orders from Anja! Here is a small picture to brighten your day. This is the cooking hearth at a local Bed & Breakfast. Ro (my Admiral) wants me to install one like this in our house....
  12. Somehow, Tony, I suspect the result is far more satisfying than you indicate! If it is at all close to what you have done thus far, it will look great! It was a pleasure "meeting" your Granddaughter the other day - she is a cutie!
  13. SSSHHHH!!! Please do not distract Commodore Augie - this installation and move takes delicate coordination and precise timing. Last thing we want is a picture of broken glass on the stairs to the new berth!!!!!
  14. As has been said, Glad to hear you are feeling better, Sjors! I'm sure Anja was getting rather frustrated and concerned - so she, too, must be rather relieved! Now, about that internet bill....
  15. Wishing you all the best, Hamilton! Safe travels as well - what part of NB are you visiting?
  16. glad you are home, Sjors - just wish you were feeling better! Somehow, I just KNEW that someone (who shall not be named) would request you post those funny pictures the Doctor took.... Hang in there, sir - we'll be hear when you can get back to building!
  17. Nice work, Augie! I may send you my Harriet Lane to finish rigging if you are that bored.....
  18. wow - big changes for you, Kevin! best of luck as you embark on the new journey - I have confidence you can do it!
  19. Mobbsie - I've gotta echo Grant - WOW!!! Those colors really look nice! Great job for an "old man"
  20. I can't top that! Have a fantastic day, my friend. Tip one for me!
  21. I think that, if you keep re-painting the buggers, eventually they will be too large to mount on the boat! I do rather like the idea of installing colored lights instead - the designer can change the color anytime she wants to then!
  22. Not much progress to report, but I think I know how I am going to handle the repair. As you can see below, the jibboom has broken off cleanly at the mast cap. As a result, all of the fore stays etc. are now rather slack. I am going to replace the jibboom and all of the fore stays - a couple were not particularly great anyway. When i do that, I should be able to get a nice uniform tension on them all, and also increase slightly the tension on the back stays (rear most shrouds?)
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