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Everything posted by trippwj

  1. Greetings, and thanks for the kind words! I managed to get frame 8 beveled and raised, started on #9. No pictures this time. Sitting on a plane in Detroit while it gets a brake job, then off to Trenton NJ - back to Maine on Friday. Just a quick Happy B'day to my admiral (Phantom Transcriptionist) - hate to be on the road for her special day, but this client pays the bills, so....
  2. Nice start, Freddy. After 25 years you may find some of the wood a mite brittle.
  3. Hamilton - you may want to check out the Masting & rigging spreadsheet that Danny Vadas developed which takes your input based on the specific establishment and class then calculates the spars etc. it is available here: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-masts-and-yards.php Main mast (from step) is 210 mm (scale) 68.9 ' (1:1) Main top mast - 126.1 mm Bowsprit - 124 mm Fore lower yard - 161.4 mm Main t'gallant yard - 66.4 mm EDIT - fixed my silly typo on the yards.
  4. Gracious, Adam - you aren't supposed to have everything happen at the same time! If you get all of these issues out of the way now, what have you got to use for "excuses" later in the build??? 2 wakes does NOT sound good - my condolences to you and the families. Promotion - that is usually a good thing! Computer crash (hopefully not related to the emergency tree removal) - not so good!
  5. Casey - Nice choice on the colors. They look good together. You are also doing a very nice job fixing those little gotcha's as they arise. Not sure if you can close that gap in the rail by gluing and clamping or if there is some other answer. Hopefully someone with more experience than me will chime in!
  6. Sir Mobbsie - WOW!!! Looking mighty fine now. And look at you putzing around making tools, too! Watch out for "you know who" - purty soon he's gonna want you to build him a sett as well!
  7. Looking good, Jim! glad some of the color decisions seem to be firming up for you!
  8. WE will square and level everything??? Rather regal sounding.. or are you cross training the spiders? You are all doing a great job, sir, and a belated happy anniversary!
  9. Those ratlines look awesome! Glad you are feeling like yourself again!
  10. About 3 hours up the coast in Eastport (about 90 miles beyond Bar Harbor up US 1)
  11. Sweet! You picked the right time to be here - fantastic weather today!!!
  12. Dinner looks great - and the start on the Confed is very nice as well! Newly landed here in Maine this week - odds about 1 in 50 million of finding something like this (and no, I did not find it...). Live, but looks half-cooked! Donated to the Lobster Research Institute.
  13. Continuing to progress very well, Kevin. Enjoying the build - and hope you had a wonderful birthday!!
  14. As has been said so well by so many - hope it has been a fantabulous day, Popeye!!!!
  15. Well, pretty well along with the unpacking and initial decorating. The boss lady has gotten pictures and curtains hung, nice display of our fire helmets put up in the stairway landing (with the exception of my Dad's Commissioner helmet and her Lieutenant helmet (given to her as a gift by a local fire chief she worked with so she would outrank me...), the rest all saved my bacon at least a time or two over the years!), nautical books mostly unpacked and on the shelves and workshop is also set up. Time to start building again! Have put the Harriet Lane on the shelf for a short time - her next steps are rigging repair and those silly ratlines, and I want to be able to see some progress so have pulled out the ECB. When last we saw her, she had 7 frames raised. Working on the bevel for frame 8 & 9 and should be able to get them raised this weekend (well, that's the plan at least. Salmon & Seafood festival here this weekend so one never knows!) Will post some pictures when I get the next couple of frames installed!
  16. Bob - Count me in!!! Have you seen the plans for the Nokomis (YT-142) on the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum (AIMM) website? Note there is a new Commodore for North Little rock (after about 100 years the prior Mayor retired last fall). http://www.aimm.museum/photos-Hoga5-Blueprints.asp No lines drawings posted, but may have more that they have not put on the web.
  17. No worries there, Tim - should be a nice half-hull when you are finished and the step by step is very helpful for klutzes such as me! Just settled in here in Eastport - about 5 hours or so from Brunswick near the Canadian border.
  18. Actually, the Nova Scotia-built replica was launched in 1960 for the 1962 movie, and was lost in 2012 (Captain and 1 crew member remain missing). I have a nice commemorative set of plans for the 1962 movie Bounty (which is somewhat larger than the original vessel) framed above my desk.
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