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Everything posted by trippwj

  1. Ahoy, Jim. Nice work on the hull - that finish is wicked nice! Good luck on the home re-mod...someday that, too, will be finished! Awaiting, but not holding my breath, the color decisions on the Lackawanna!
  2. This looks like fun - mind if I pull up a seat here by Bob?
  3. Hmmmm...can I join the crowd and stay on your case as well????? Glad to hear it arrived safely - and will reserve a seat for the Confed when you start there as well!
  4. Welcome aboard, Matke. The first planking looks nice - will see what some of the more experienced builders have as recommendations for how to start the second planking! In the meantime, there are a few tutorials available here: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-framing-and-planking-articles.php http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=7655 and http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/14-building-framing-planking-and-plating-a-ships-hull-and-deck/ Good luck!
  5. What they said, Augie - take time to recover and hope things are stabilized as necessary!
  6. Beautiful work, Matti. Your color choices and workmanship are breathtaking!
  7. Hi, Sam - looks like another good build starting - I imagine you will "sail" right through? I saw someone asking for popcorn - here's a machine. Anyone have the kettle corn for popping? Will settle in back here in the corner and join the crowd!
  8. G'day, Frank! Just say when - we did steak on the grill last night since you never showed up!
  9. Looking very good, Frank. You accomplish some amazing weathering on your builds - I am quite envious of your skill!!!
  10. I am looking for more details, but i did find this clipping: On Labor Day (Sept. 2), at Put-in-Bay, Ohio, re-enactors will simulate the 1813 naval battle in which Oliver Hazard Perry and 557 sailors from the still-very-young United States of America defeated a fleet of the world's greatest naval power, Great Britain, in those same waters. http://battleoflakeerie-bicentennial.com/events/bicentennial-events/
  11. That netting came out very well, Mobbsie! I think he with no name but a gnome infestation will be impressed (I know that I am...)
  12. That decking looks sharp, Adam. I like the natural look as well - but as you say, part of the decision will hinge on how the edges etc. turn out. Are you planning to plank the full deck or leave some un-planked to show off the framing?
  13. Sjors - Pleased to know that you are not suffering any of the gnome-related ailments. The strained muscle, while painful, is certainly less worrisome! I feared that you may transfer the Gnomeitis to wabbits, resulting in rapid proliferation across the globe. WHEW!!! Please practice care - remember, it is always better to climb an additional ratline to tie the next one than to try and stretch beyond your limits. You may need to rely more on the gnomes for the upper lines to avoid additional strain!
  14. Hope you don't mind if i pull up a bench to follow your build, Sarge!
  15. Wow, Adam - just getting caught up on logs and I gotta say this Mayflower is looking wicked sharp!
  16. Carry on, Popeye - she is looking nice! No doubts from me whether you can work your way through the challenges - with or without socks. From one Swamp Yankee to annudder - HAVE FUN!!!
  17. Very nice re-do, Commodore! The shrouds hang nice and straight now, and the ratlines look realistic - not perfectly tight but just the right amount of sag. Please congratulate the gnomes - they done good! Frank should be happy now - plenty of pictures the past few days!
  18. Looks good, Andy. As a side observation, building the masts this way is similar to the method used on 1:1 version.
  19. Ratlines would generally be 13 to 15 inches (33 to 38 cm) apart so at 1:75 scale .5 cm would be a good measure.
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