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Everything posted by dafi

  1. Thank you Sirs! And next Dr Tentakels wild cousins went too into the trap :-) But then dafi got trapped himself ... ... to much flue - too much nice substances - and forgot on the left hand gun to lead the breeching rope through the big guidance rings on the side of the carriage ... ... where both red squares are , gun well glued, breeching ropes well fixed on the hull ... ... okokokokok, hard way, means taking the guidance ring out, opening it, putting around the breeching rope, refixing in the eyebolt and reclosing the ring ... ... everything in there, deep-deep-down inside the bowels of the Vic ... ... tight, dark, but luckily not steamy ... ... and somehow managed to fix and even the picture looks ok :-) XXXDAn
  2. In the DIY-stores in the electrical or tools department they have the same ones as Andy showed for cheaper and possibly better quality. Here from wikipedia: For electronics work, special diagonal cutters that are ground flush to the apex of the cutting edge on one side of the jaws are often used. These flush-cutting pliers allow wires to be trimmed flush or nearly flush to a solder joint, avoiding the sharp tip left by symmetrical diagonal cutters. It is common for this type of diagonal cutter to be referred to by another name, such as "flush cutter" to distinguish it from symmetrical cutters. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagonal_pliers I usually go to the shop with a piece of paper and try them out - good ones should even cut paper! This means not suitable for harder wires bit wonderful for sprue and etch :-) PS: I use them too for cutting off the end bits of the ropes while rigging, better than any scissors :-) Daniel Here a picture from Wikipedia:
  3. Warning! I will be monitoring those split lines front and aft of the funnel! Be careful! ;-) Love the parts, Daniel
  4. For some reason I like destructive people ... ;-) XXXDAn
  5. New place, new ship, new luck :-) Looking forward for your adventures! Daniel
  6. As the aft end of the forecastle looks a bit flimmsy, are you still going to smuggle a deck beam underneath now that the bits are installed? Great work, pleasure to follow, Daniel
  7. I think the Vade mecum is just before the time that Goodwin mentions that the third tackle was issued as a standard. XXXDAn
  8. Apparently Boudriot mentions for the side tackles to be taken off before firing. In the british gun instructions there is no mention of that as far as I know. If one looks at Master and commander, the guns do not run back too fast, due to their own weight. If I am not mistaken, the side tackles could have be loosened a bid before firing. Another thing I realised, is that todays Victory is displayed with left hand laid breeching ropes istead of the normal right hand ropes. Another of Goodwins small mysteries ?!? After long research I found in Nares the following http://archive.org/stream/seamanship00acadgoog#page/n34/mode/2up page 25 I chose this too for my build even though it was written down some 60 years later. But this would even give further stretching to the ropes when under strain. XXXDAn
  9. The sources are wide spread. Bodo from our german forum had some nice findings. - The inside bore gets smaller when heated as the barrel is not a thin ring but has massive walls. Also the barrels can loose their straightness. German wikipedia: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohrkrepierer (about squib load) - Apparently the more violent recoil can also happen with old fashioned hand held guns. - Some more info/discussion also here ttp://www.go2gbo.com/forums/blackpowder...ly-hot-or-cold/ http://www.segelschiffsmodellbau.com/t1216f220-quot-Violent-recoil-on-hot-guns-quot.html Thanks Bodo! DAniel
  10. Mark, Eric and all the others: Thank you tons for your feedback. For the hot guns to jump violently, I copied the answers into a new thread for not getting lost here. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/3963-whey-do-hot-guns-jump-violently/?p=112437 Have a great time, Daniel
  11. One question I do have is the jumping: Is this result of the shot itself ot is it due to a more violent "normal" recoil and the jumping resulting from the breeching rope and tackles forcing the gun upwards? Some sources mentioning them really jumping high ... DAniel
  12. Amateur, rybakov, SpyGlass: I agree the diameter will change with the heat. The mast-hoops, and also train-wheels are done the same way: heated up they get larger, inside and outside diameter, the get forced over the mast/wheel and give a tight grip once cooled down and shrunk. Is this also the same with the tick walls of the guns? As they have far more material that wants to expand, can it be, that in this case the inner diameter actually decreases? Thank you all for you input, intriguing facts and discussion as always! Daniel
  13. Here some more entries from my Vic-Build: 1 Thank you all, Daniel
  14. Big boyz, big toyz :-) Wonderful pictures of a great model, thank you for the update! Daniel
  15. Always sad if such a nice building report is set aside and I hope that the sweet lady will not lay for thirteen years in ordinary like the original as yours became a real piece of art under your skilled hands! But also I am very keen in seeing your treatment on the other beast :-) Please show and tell and here! XXXDAniel
  16. Thank you all for your input! Very appreciated :-) Next cleared up the breeching ropes on both sides ... ... especially the loop ... ... and also looked at both sides that the ropes won´t be stuck underneath the wheels. Then checked the length ... ... and Jan was right, here comes Captain Hook ... ... and have him installed in all his glory. XXXDAn
  17. In many sources it is mentioned, that guns recoiled and jumped violently when getting hot in an engagement. Any reasons known why? Cheers, Daniel
  18. Thank you rybakov, that is a good hint! Need to have a look. But this leaves me to the other question of mine: Why do hot guns jump and recoil that violently? http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/3963-whay-do-hot-guns-jump-violently/#entry112437 Cheers Daniel
  19. Thank you very much Wayne, was there meant to be a link for the Wikipedia? Would like to see the picture :-) Need to have second look at the SRo1789, too. XXXDAn
  20. For english ship I just know the removal for using the capstans. Just to be tried out on the model, does the recoil of the guns interfere with stanchions, ladders or other items? As the Vic had a large width, there was no problem with the stanchions, on top those were in line with the coamings. Just the ladders in the waist and up to the poop had to be removed. XXXDAn
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