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Everything posted by dafi

  1. As for my personal opinion seeing those tests: I also would discard the inside board for the same reason Andy gives. The half lid doors are one more gap that could leak, on top the inside half doors have a slight problem with the deck because of the thumbledom and a even bigger one because of the hanging knees, that prevent opening more than 90°. The fire ship doors is a too sophisticated feature and I believe it would have been shown. The "single outside board solution" would give some intersting thoughts. It just requires battens or a small recess like the gun ports inside the opening to be pressed /pulled against. This could be done by some eyebolts and some simple lashing from the inside. As it is not part of the structure and not a permanent fitting, this could explain why it is never represented in the models - it was seen as a mere board. Another hint could be the panelling of the inside of the door frame, this one looks much more like an internal fitting than an outside part of the ship. But as mentioned before, these are pure speculations, hard proves still missing. But perhaps it allows to get a closer idea, what we are searching for, like special construction details. The only thing I found so far is, that NMM´s plans of Nelson and Caledonia show the usual gunport arrangement of eyebolts around the entry port, as if this port also was used for guns on occasions. And seen the concave outside of the hull, those breeching-eyebolts in the middle would already guarantee a secure lashing of the board against battens or recess ... Here still is a small color variation of my personal favorite: Yellow door at the end of 1804 before Nelson took possession of her and ... ... after he introduced his checker on the port lids :-) XXXDAn
  2. As I always like to visualise and try out my thoughts, here are some versions on a mere speculation basis. Single board on the outside Half doors opening outside: Single board on the inside: Half doors on the inside (like quarter galleries) ... just works out on the inside. And a version like on fire ships as seen in construction and fitting: Half board on the bottom and half lids on the upper half. Cheers, Daniel
  3. Great progress. But I will never get used to those two guns in the middle of the forecastle ... Perhaps you should lash them up better? Cheers, Daniel
  4. I would count onto stability reasons. Any door would have to bear the whole weight of the shot. XXXDAn
  5. That too is my opinion, the 28 guns are one of the strongest hints for the port. At no time that were 30 guns recorded in the books, for me a "must" if the door would have been replaced by a gunport, otherwise the first two or the last gunport would have been idle. At least for bad weather there must have been a cover, and in my opinion not only canvas or leather. But that is the interesting bit on this ship: Although believed to be that well explored and boring and a hundred thousend times being build - there are still so many open questions. And I love to stir a little bit in that pot - a friend of mine would call it "fascinating" ;-) XXXDAn
  6. I never had the time to do a complete research in the NMM. It looks to me that the entry port disappeared somehow from the drawings in the 1780´s (because of wartimes - American War of Independence?) and just reappeared in the 1805´s. A complete survey of all the three decker´s plans and models should perhaps clarify this and especially the dates. Another thing is, that the plans just show the starboard side and remember that at one point the ports were only on the port side. Does not make things easier ... So I enjoy the bit of artistic license ;-) The other thing is the question of how these ports was shut. So far - even with the help of the board here - no strong hint was found. All model that I found so far lack a door. See more: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/333-side-entry-ports-on-british-first-and-second-rates/ XXXDAn
  7. To be honest ... ... I do personally strongly believe that there is more evidence that it was not there than those that it was. :-) But it is a too nice feature to be omitted in the build - so I took some castings to add to my resin parts. XXXDAn
  8. *blow* *cough* ... only been away for 57 years and already that much dust? *think* What was my favorite pass-time here? *scratichingthebeard* Oh yes, there was someting - DEMOLITION!!! ... okokokokok ... ... I know, that the side entry port was already "finally" fixed, but it was stronger than me :-) ...hihihihihihihi... XXXDAn
  9. Very nice work Henry :-) If you did not do all the carriages yet: It also is a further improvement, if you change the position of the wheels and axles a bit. The front one more to the front, the aft one more aft. Also the trunnions of the barrels could be moved to a correct more backwards position. Is the big ring in the middle for the breeching rope as this one runs through the middle of the carriage?? All the best, Daniel Edit: this is what I meant with the repositioning
  10. RotFlbtC Sorry, that made my day! Daniel PS: The thing on the other side of the mast could be the pump.
  11. Never say no, but we would miss such gems like yours if etch would be available :-) XXDAn PS: Handles are available in all sizes in the train department. but with the usual flaw - they are flat ...
  12. Wonderful work! Thanks for showing the steps!!! Love it :-) Daniel
  13. Wonderful project. Love it! What is the kit base? Daniel
  14. "Are you cutting the mortises for the carlings with the beams already glued in place or prior to fixing the beams?" Hast du die Scheerstockspuren / Auflager für die Scheerstöcke und Rippen vor dem Einbau in die Deckbalken geschnitten oder erst nach dem Einbau? Gruß, Daniel
  15. Why don´t you simply paint the wood underneath with copper paint before gluing the plates onto it? The mixing of CA and paint will not work imho. XXXDAn
  16. One can never have enough Victorys ;-) Great work, just the mast top is put the wrong direction in the second picture :-) Cheers, Daniel
  17. Hello Gary, is it this corner you are looking at? ATOS Victory; McKay DAniel
  18. ... yep ... ... there was something ... ... sometimes things slip with age ... ... one tends to forget ... ... but not important things ... ... never too old to rock´n´roll ... ... and never forget ... ... one is only as old as one is partying :-) All the best, Daniel
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