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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Thanks so much Sjors ,Michael, Steve and the "likes". Michael, "somewhat of a pain" is somewhat of an understatement. Steve, everything is easy -- once it's finished. Bob
  2. I've now completed making and mounting the bow cant frames and hawse timbers. As at the stern, some discrepancies between the parts, jig and drawings required some tweaks and adjustments to be made. As with the previous work on the framing, I've done the rough fairing of the outside of the hull. For the most part, it seems to fair up well. The exception is at the upper portion of the frames ( at the bottom of the photos because of the upside down construction), where it seems that a few of the notches in the jig are misaligned, causing some low areas. This will be corrected by adding boxwood strip to the outside of the affected frames and then sanding them fair. There should be no visible evidence of this because those areas are to be planked over anyway. Next up is the framing of the stern, starting with the transoms and stern timbers. Bob
  3. Thanks so much guys for your continuing interest and the "likes". Bob
  4. I've now completed the stern cant frames. These presented two problems. The first was the expected difficulty of cutting and sanding the required angles to get a proper fit. That went reasonably well. The second, however, was more troublesome. The aft most frame did not match the plan and had to be tweaked to get it to fit. it remains to be seen after final fairing and assembly of the stern framing whether this will turn out correctly, or whether I will need to remove it and make a new pair of frames. As I have been doing, I did some rough fairing to get a feel for the fit of the frames. I'm now working on the bow cant frames. Bob
  5. It's coming along beautifully Denis. I never cease to be amazed by what you accomplish in this small scale. Bob
  6. Thanks Dave. I appreciate that. Thanks so much Elijah. I wish that were true. Hopefully with more sanding I can make it so. Bob
  7. Thanks so much guys for the "likes". Working on the stern can't frames. Bob
  8. Home again and back to work, so time for an update. I've made up and mounted the three square half frames at the stern. Same procedures as for the full frames. I also did some fairing while waiting for glue to dry. This was primarily in the midship area and consisted of using various sticks and blocks with 60, 100 and 120 grit sandpaper. Final fairing will be done when the frames are complete. I'm now working on the stern cant frames. Bob
  9. Dave, I almost forgot that I built and rigged a Halifax from the Lauck St kit years ago. I don't have the model and my memory is that I rigged it from the Hahn plan and just figured out the belaying. Bob
  10. Thanks so much Martin, Dave and the "likes". Martin, you've expressed my own feelings about scale . Dave, I'm not aware of any belaying plan. The good news is that the rig is fairly simple and there are a lot of cleats shown for the masts and shrouds. We should be able be able to figure it out ( I hope ). Bob
  11. Thanks so much Michael, Denis, Anja and the "likes. Appreciated, as always. Michael, I continue to look forward to further progress on your Halifax. Bob
  12. All of the full frames have now been made up and mounted. The next step was to permanently mount the the keel-stem-stern assembly to the the full frames. Before doing this, I did some work on the stem that could more easily be done before mounting. This involved drilling, cutting and filing the gammoning slot, and cutting and tapering the upper forward portion to accommodate the fitting of the figurehead. The figurehead is a 3D printed resin piece supplied by the Lumberyard. I am attaching a photo showing it in place temporarily. It will be painted to match the wood before permanent mounting at a much later time. I will be away from the shipyard for about a week, and will then begin on the stern half frames. Bob
  13. Thanks so much Sjors, John, Don and the "likes". Don, Kingfisher was built upright, using a jig created by Bob Hunt that I recall was difficult to work with when setting the frames. Planking and other work was relatively easy ,since the hull was set free and could be manipulated.. The Hahn method is easy to use to set the frames correctly, but it remains to be seen how subsequent work will go. Bob
  14. Absolutely magnificent B.E. I don't think I exaggerate to say that this is probably the finest build from a kit that has ever been displayed on MSW. Congratulations. Bob
  15. That is a very impressive piece of work, Sjors. Nicely done. Bob
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