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Everything posted by Jparsley

  1. Tom your girl is looking so nice I am still jealous How hard is the rigging on her as I am not to that point I'm close but not there yet I may be asking for a lot of advice from you and mark here soon your getting to be pretty good at making sticks into art
  2. Ok finished my little boat oars made out of round tooth picks and basswood veneer left over from planking Used a couple of pins and made a cute little rope coil Made a wooden rudder and handle since the metal one was ugly Figured it should match the ship Hope it looks good to you guys sorry the pictures aren't great my iPhone 5c does not have the best camera
  3. Thanks for stopping by Tom It's good to hear from you Boost some pictures of that beautifu ship soon
  4. Ok Started working on the starboard davits and long boat Not leaving the boat white Mainly just wanted to get rid of the grey metal color built the inside out of wood to make it a little less heavy and more true to the ship I can tell you now that the emergency steering chain is proving to be a pain to attach My big old fingers don't work well with tiny chain links Oh well I've done harder things
  5. Hey bob I don't know how you squeeze so much detail into such a small thin boat but I have to say that it is a beautiful little lady
  6. she really is lovely did i read that right that this is going to be your last build? such a shame you do such fine work
  7. Nigel your boat has to be one of the cleanest models I have seen clean lines no smears or dust of any kind she is absolutely pristine I'm not into Asian boats but yours is lovely
  8. Yes mark it's an infinite curve from where I sit it looks like a straight line up lol It may not be perfect but I've enjoyed this project
  9. Ok sherry I have to be a critic on this one I do see several problems with your stairs and your railings one they are of the wrong color They should be walnut two they are the wrong scale and should be 1:85 third they should be on my ship which is made of walnut and 1:85 scale Actually sherry they are beautiful and I wish my work could be a tenth of the quality of work you are putting out She again as I have said is a beautifu ship Keep up the quality
  10. Nigel I think you did a great job on the little boat Nice scratching lol
  11. Thanks mark for the encouraging comments Starting to pull a lot of the little things together she's starting to take shape I know she isn't perfect but I am learning since this is my first large ship I've added but not glued the pins and glued down the deck furnishings finish the banisters tidding up things
  12. hello charlene great job hope you enjoy this hobby as much as we do just know if you get to frustrated step back take a break and when you return you have a diffrent perspective good luck
  13. Hello Heinz I also am asked those questions and told by people that they don't have patience enough it must be an international theme I too do not know what to say about your ship in English or any language as to how wonderful she is looking Best regards
  14. New update guys Started working on the anchors Saw Nigel's wonderful display and techniques Instead of using the brass for the straps I used chalk board tape I decided on it because one its self adhesive the other is because it's a flat black Second part was on the brass ring I used a double strand embroidery thread I split the strands apart and dipped them in half pva glue and water solution stretched them out to dry I wrapped the brass loop with the stiffened thread I wanted to add a nice little detail of rope wrapped around the cross member in a figure eight Also started putting together my little coranades
  15. hey jess for a little ship she looks impressive the sails set her off wonderful detail for such a small thing
  16. i wanted to thank everyone thats like or commented on my build log its nice to know that others find interest in something that is important to all of us i think this site has some wonderful people that even though their skill levels are diffrent we all have the passion and love for this craft thank you all for your inputs criticisms and your wonderful words of encouragement
  17. Ok guys did a little touch up built the microscopic holders for all the belaying pins Stanchions? Is that right? Anyways built the nice little balcony rails I think they turned out nice
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