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Everything posted by paulsutcliffe

  1. Upper bit it needs to be cut into the moulding strip, and don't forget air/drainage holes at the backside Regards Paul
  2. I have found wine has the same affect and I have to do things again the next day after a couple of glasses
  3. Also started work in the channels, mizzen below, air gaps at the back
  4. Berthing up nearly completed, decided to go with the mahogany in the end to give contrast, 2 coats of sanding sealer and finished with wire wool
  5. Looking good Keith, good to see you back at the workbench Regards Paul
  6. I have also carried on playing/making moulds for the differenttcannon after success with the cheerful carronades, this is my first resin 18lb, excuse the poor pictures, I had just blackened the copper eyebolts and rings with liver of sulfur so still damp in places And just spotted the red paint on the wheels which will need cleaning off 😁
  7. Six nine pound cannons on the way as well plus three carronades, it was at this point I realised I hadn't cut the last port at the stern, I left the deck planks short here due to advice from she who must be obeyed to leave more deck open so you can see further down into the depths of the ship I have measured for the last port and think I am going to be lucky and it should just fit on the end of the planking . The First picture shows the sheen appearing on the beautiful mahogany framing after polishing
  8. I have also spent the last couple of days polishing this side and the wale, trying to get a nice sheen
  9. Wow a Month has passed already, doesn't time fly Some planking completed on the quarterdeck and up to the boarding up, trying to decide if I should do it In a different colour as edt did on the naiad
  10. Awesome looking hull, well done Regards Paul
  11. Beautiful work kudin, what wood are the deadeyes made from? Regards Paul
  12. Very sad to hear, condolences to family and friends, his beautiful models/work will be missed
  13. Hiya B&Q don't sell a sanding sealer im afraid, been there done that, Liberon sanding sealer is what I use from amazon, around £8 for 250ml Regards Paul
  14. I'm with druxey, The lower ports don't match either ( four on drawings against two on the model), curved mouldings in the First balcony are not on the model either that I can see Regards Paul
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