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michael mott

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Everything posted by michael mott

  1. I'm beginning to understand why a large number of the boat builders of the late 19th century and early 20th Century used half models then lofted on the floor from the model.......just sayin' I have been going to bed cross eyed for the last week. why do I feel a spell in the workshop at the wood-bench with planes and chisels might be in my future? Michael
  2. Mark if you can only get Plaster of Paris, in my experience you can mix it in small batches and soak strips of J cloth or cheese cloth to add to the strength. just build up a few layers it will take longer but will give you the strength and integrity you need. and wait afterward until it is completely dry before using it for its intended purpose. Michael
  3. The planking is looking really nice Keith. The series of circles is a great idea I have not seen that before. Michael
  4. Mark looks like you are on your way. I would agree with Druxey, and as LH suggested put the brass master back in before making the jacket. If you know someone in the medical profession perhaps get a line on the same plaster that is used for plaster casts, which is basically the same stuff that Evergreen use for the landscape work make the plaster jacket the same way that you made the mold only make it so that it is 90 degrees and when it is slipped over the two halves it automatically holds them together. Michael
  5. Kortes, thank you for clarifying, this log for me I am a bit short on grasping things sometimes, and missed the information in the earlier post. Keith It is good to know that someone was paying attention to the fine print and not just drooling over the pictures 😉 Thank you Kortes for taking the time to put this build log together after the fact. There is a certain benefit to being able to follow along at a measured pace. Michael
  6. You must have the best vacuum system in the world..... not a speck of dust! Michael
  7. Hello Druxey I can see why you would think that. My thinking and awareness have been so close to the drawing and what line represents what, that clarity for others is sometimes assumed. the following drawing now modified shows the red outer line as the outside of the lower rub rail, (the top rub rail is left off the plan) the next black line shows the outside of the sheer strake and the top edge of the planking, the red dashed line is the inside of the planking. The 2 sets of numbers are large ones are rib numbers, and the small ones are station numbers ( I am probably not following traditional convention ) This shows the elevation of the rub rails at rib 5 and the position on the profiles. The sheer strake is outlined in blue on the profiles. I had to adjust the line of the rub rial on the plan because it was sticking out way too far when I transferred that line to the profile I am really not trying to confuse you all. I have no idea how the draftsmen of the early three mast fully rigged ships did it, nor the members who have produced new books full of drawings of those same types of ships. My Hat is off to those of you who have done that. Being able to use different colors has been helpful to me. Now all I have to do is keep the colours consistent on all three views.....I'l get there. A last comment is that working in a cad program Autocad Lt 2000 and, switching to Corel draw 7, can sometimes be a bit of a spot for confusion because they function differently. I get used to one because I can do some things more easily in it, and other things more easily in the other... I'll stop there..... Michael
  8. Hello Mark, I am not sure how rib 5 got out of alignment, this is how it was supposed to look. It was out a good 1 1/2 rib widths, so thank you for spotting that. Michael
  9. Hi Rob , that hull does look very similar, I don't suppose you have any drawings of it? Ken some of the early work on this model was with the Buffalo Engine. Gary thanks. Roger I have done a small Half Model Perhaps I need to do another one. Yes this one is not really quite right. Michael
  10. Hi Mark Thanks I see what you are saying and thanks for spotting that. I have been working back and forth from the plan to the profiles and in the beginning I worked a lot with the waterlines. I shall revisit the issue and clean it up. I have found this work to be very time consuming but in the end it will have all been worth it I feel. Michael
  11. I am not sure about the flag. A lot of work on the drawing is taking place at the moment. Here is a section at rib 5 which is at the front of the cockpit' and a PDF of the profiles Body lines march 4 2019.pdf Back to the drawing board. Michael
  12. Pat the model is looking really sharp! realyl great work at that scale. Michael
  13. Tell me you have help! my goodness you work fast and accurately that deck looks fantastic, and then the hull.... Michael
  14. Hi Dave, it is great to see that you are jumping in with both feet. Michael
  15. This is the place to post your questions Dave, The other builders who have worked on this model will be able to give you insights about things that they found. Sorry I couldn't help with the signature, I am lost without a mouse and your Apple takes time for us HP folk to get the hang of. Michael
  16. Now I'm guessing that this might be too big of a coincidence to be different boats Steve Looks like MSW is way ahead of Wooden Boat Magazine in the information department about this beauty. Your boat is absolutely gorgeous Steve. Michael
  17. I wish! Thank you for you kindness. Kurt yes Skipjack has a canopy Now that I am satisfied with the shape of the lines I can add the canopy to the drawings. As a diversion Judy and I just watched the movie "Infinity" about the genius who proved "partition" in mathematics. A beautiful movie. Michael
  18. Hi Druxey, they don't need to made of leather, in the same way that the carved decoration on a period ship doesn't need to carved in Boxwood. I could make them out of clay the same way that Doris uses it. I know that I can make them out of leather in the same way that I made this seat out of leather. It is something that I want to do. Michael
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