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michael mott

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Everything posted by michael mott

  1. Nice looking model Danny, looks as good as any I saw at the South Kensington Science Museum when I lived in England. Michael
  2. Hello Jack yes I will put a radio in it the overall length is 48 inches I am now convinced that this is a model of the 42 foot Chris Craft Corvette and there are a lot of examples of this craft on the internet some in beautiful condition. Michael
  3. I could not put this into the scratch built section because it was a kit. Last night at a meeting with some friends I was given this model boat model. The history as I have it is that my friends father was a machinist and woodworker and he started this model but did not finish is before he died which was some time ago. My friend has no interest in the model other than seeing it when it is put into the water. "it is yours to do with as you see fit" was his comment when he gave it to me. Seeing this model brought back the memories that I mentioned in another post about the thirteen year old Michael who's Drafting teacher's Uncle was a model builder and would I like to see them. His Uncle had a model like this on the dining room table to show me. My friend claims that the plans for this model boat are somewhere in the house...... but he has no idea where. So my question is is there anyone out there who recognizes this Cabin Cruiser , I am thinking it might be a Keelcraft model from the late 40's or early 50's. it is incredibly light and looks to be made from balsa wood. There is some really nice woodwork done with mahogany veneers. the props and rudders are already installed. So there you have it, I know I have been warned to only work on one project at a time, but this one has a lot of charm and touched a lot of buttons in the little boy inside. I do not anticipate this being a quick fix but I think it is going to happen. Michael
  4. I would just add use the appropriate tool for the job. precision drawing and measuring requires precision tools. Michael
  5. Well done Vaddoc. You will get a great deal from that John Leather Book, I have spent hours pouring through my own copy, it has some very useful information. Michael
  6. Hi Mark, and welcome from an ex pat living in Canada now, I hope that you can start you build log soon so we can watch from the cheap seats, and yes an excellent first post. Lou this made me laugh out loud " Welcome to the world of expensive boxes of sticks! " Michael
  7. Hi Larry and welcome, Your interest in the riverboats is something that i have also had for a long time and was recently in the Yukon and also saw the Klondike, and Tutsi while there. Good luck with completing the research so that you can start the build, Then we can all follow along. Michael
  8. Very nice work Albert. What sort of magic do you use to keep your workspace looking like a medical operating theatre? Michael
  9. Hello Jack, we are having a rough stretch here due to the smoke from the wildfires in BC, I think I prefer the smoke though to the Humidity. Michael
  10. Hi Andy just checking in to your build, I know how distractions work. thanks for looking in on my cutter also. Michael
  11. Mark I am not quite sure what you mean, but here is a recent shot taken by one of the club members. Also I made a new set of Dacron sails from some old sails that were given to me. What a difference in light airs The ten oz canvas ones are good for strong winds but are not good in light air. Michael
  12. Hi Paul, when you say having the skylight windows opening, Are you thinking of just having them or one permanently opened or do you mean being able to open and close them? The deck furniture looks great. Michael
  13. Hi Vaddoc I would be inclined to remove the top end of the mast so that you could work either a small hand plane or a longitudinal sanding stick to slowly work down the final shape. Another thought to add to what Mark said would be to use a centre finder on the base of the mast and mark off the diagonals so as to keep track of the rotations as you sand off the longitudinal lines. I have found it useful to lay the mast in a v groove with a stop at the top end that is only as high as the centre line of the mast. Michael
  14. Hi Mark I am firming up my thoughts and a white top will likely be the final choice, with a canvas type texture. Here are a couple of views of the companionway glued up with the solid panels that will be installed closer to the finish. I am now shaping the cross members to get ready for the fixed portion of the top. I still need to cut the channels for the slide on the hatch. I have been out sailing for the past few days, with Maria. Michael
  15. Oh well, I tried. Then again once the hull is glued up you could split it down the center line and simply add a thin layer on the cut to bring the size to the correct width.
  16. Good luck with the test and treatments John, look forward to seeing you back in the shipyard. Michael
  17. So Dan instead of mounting them on mirrors would it not be easier to make them separately and then glue them together as one? it would save a lot of masking and fiddling I think. Michael
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