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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. The crowsfeet look pretty sweet to me Bob. Nice work. I have never had to do any yet but they look like they could be a bit of a "hair puller", again good stuff
  2. Thanks so much Dave. Once stove is done I need to build a windlass, which will be a first for me. I think I am looking forward to this
  3. You have my curiosity going now, looking forward to more
  4. Good Morning Mike, Thanks for stopping in. The Trajta is a fine looking boat and kit, I love the bow on her. I don't blame you for wanting to pull her out. You will enjoy building her and will end up with a great model. I am just finishing up the ships stove, almost done "accessorising" it and may have some pictures later.
  5. Hello Darrell, good of you to stop in and Thanks for your compliment.
  6. Looks good Jack. The tape on the bulkhead edges is a good idea, this should help with the removal and also a lot less glue clean up
  7. Hey E.J. Thanks for stopping in. I was surprised how good it all went and was very happy there were no extra holes that needed to be cut.
  8. Thanks Ian, the suppers were fun. One has to be careful as the little tabs in between the suppers are very fragile.
  9. Hello all just a small update, Thanks to all for stopping in, for your likes and great comments. I finally got the courage up to cut all the holes in the deck and I must say all went good, and I also finished up my ships wheel. Not much to be said the pictures say it all. the cuts were made with a 1 mm end mill bit then finished with a file. The very first picture shows the outline for the aft hatch which I spent considerable time measuring, marking and double checking..............even though it was perfectly square and centred I had to erase all of it as this is the bow . Things got better after this, glad I didn't start to cut. The deck has one coat of poly now on it and will get two or three more Enjoy All deck furniture and masts are just sitting in their places, nothing is permanently fixed yet. Have a Good Evening
  10. Happy Birthday Frank, I hope you are having a great day and wish you many more
  11. Hey Ian, a very fine job on the planking so far. I think it was a good decision of yours to go with the shorter planks rather than full length ones, mush easier to work with. The next few strakes are a little tricky but looking at your work so far I can see you will have no problems.
  12. She is looking real nice, sorry to hear about your frustrations but sometimes it is a good idea to just put it aside and come back later when the mind is refreshed
  13. Masts are looking good E.J.. what do you use to simulate nails, monofilament?
  14. That is looking good Pierre, be sure to lay a plank at different locations on the hull making sure the plank sits flat on all bulkheads. I noticed in your signature you have the Santa Maria "on hold". That is one I want to build also, sometime in the new year.
  15. I have a Sherline and am very happy with it. If I could change anything, I wish I would have got the digital read out right from the start. Buying one of their packages helps to get you started with milling as they come with most of the "must have" accessories.
  16. Great start Pierre, you are going to really enjoy building her. You made a good choice using the Batelina as your starting point in your new hobby Have fun and I'll be watching for more
  17. Hi Dave, thanks for stopping in. The snow in the pictures has since melted away and has been replaced with a new layer(not as much). It is now a balmy -23c, with wind chill, great weather for this hobby!!!!!!!
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