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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. Beautiful job on the deck Joe, I am typically not a treenail fan but you did a outstanding job on yours. Well done
  2. Thanks for that update Dave............It is -26 C. here with the wind chill today...........and you send pictures of a beach
  3. You have done a first class job , and have every reason to celebrate. I vote for a stand
  4. Weldbond is a good glue, it can be used with porous and non-porous materials and dries clear
  5. Have you tried any edge bending? Looks like a good investment.
  6. That's alright E.J. being crazy has some good benefits too no one will drink your drink, eat off your plate..........and speaking of drink I don't see that beautiful cabinet in this shipyard yet
  7. Hello Mike, how is the shop coming. The pins are in the mail and the wheels will follow soon
  8. Thanks Ian, I just thought it was about time I started using these tools that I "had" to have. Now if I keep building ships wheels for ships that don't have wheels I'll have put these tools to real good use!!!!!!
  9. Thanks for stopping Mike, I will let you know when I am about to start taking orders
  10. High Dave, you are so right about the forty year thing . They are fun to make but I am not sure I would take on a job like that
  11. Hey E.J., it is a little bit of a shame but it was so much fun. Now I want to make more, the cargo hold maybe full by the time I'm done
  12. Hey Chris, Thanks. This was fun, something a little different.
  13. Hello all, Thanks for stopping in for a look, for all the likes and the awesome comments. Today(yesterday now) I took a day off building the Trabaccolo(sort of) and took some time to use a few of the tools I had to have but some have never used. So I built a ships wheel, yes I know the Trabaccolo has a tiller but she was a ship of trade and on one of her journeys she picked this one up, hope you enjoy:\ First up is the handles, actually this wasn't the first up but at the time when I started I did not think I would be showing any of this. So this is 3 mm walnut dowel, from MarisStella, the knob part is 6mm long for a total length from end to end of 12 mm and just turned on my rotary tool. I used some rifler files to do the shaping. These next couple of pictures are showing the handles in place,this is where I missed taking pictures. I started with a dowel, trued it up on the lathe then mounted the chuck on the rotary table(also mounted to a tilting table) that is attached to the mill. I drilled the 8 edge holes at 1.5 mm using a end mill bit, then laid the table assembly to the horizontal position. I made the centre hole using a 3 mm end mill bit then moved it over to within 2mm of the outside edge and cut a 3 mm wide groove(rabbit). As you can see the wood was really breaking apart, this was just a piece of an old broom handle, so everything got a coat of thin ca. After glue was dry it was put back on lathe and separated(again no pictures) using the parting tool. Doing it this way solves the problem of getting the hub centred as it is still one piece These next two pictures are just turning down some brass for the centre hub (not rocket science but first time for me ) the piece is about .5 mm thick and 8mm in diameter, I think it could have been a little smaller but I was trying to cover up the wooden hub. And here is the result of my "fun day", it measures 31.5 mm from knob end to knob end. Still needs a light sanding and some wipe on poly, it should look real good in the cargo hold as it only has eight handles instead of the proper ten . The next "fun day" may see a stand and drum for it
  14. That is amazing work Merchen, absolutely beautiful. You are a very gifted artist
  15. Looks good E.J. Your mouse turned out real good, I have always wondered with a mouse is there a rule as to where it should be positioned on the stay in relation to the mast. I never know where I should position these things.
  16. The boats look real good, the stairs are going to look great installed. Nice work
  17. Looks like you have a great start on her, and she is defiantly worthy of finishing. Sorry I can't help with the "brittle" parts they maybe some sort of kevel or boom support possibly, hopefully someone with more Cutty Sark knowledge than I will have an answer for you. I will check my Billings kit and see if there is something similar and let you know. Welcome to MSW Terry
  18. terrible planking, if it is just the first planking a person could maybe live with it. If it is the one and only layer of planking then "Houston we have a problem"
  19. I'm on the same page as E.J.. I guess it may come down to what details do you want to show off more, the sails or the deck and rigging. I hope this helps
  20. Looks like she is fitting together pretty good. I am not sure what kits Sergal makes but is this your first one of theirs?
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