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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. Hi Frank and Thanks. I really can't take too much credit for the ladders this is MarisStella's design I just supplied the glue , but it is a much nicer way of building ladders. MarisStella does supply cherry planking with this kit, the final layer of planking on the deck will be cherry from the kit. Some of the cherry I used was mine and I am thinking of replacing the bulwark stanchions with cherry rather than use the kit walnut, still undecided with this thought
  2. Wow Mike, that is awesome!! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Looks like it is going to be plumbed, good idea. You'll be set for life there, you will love it in the country I know I sure do. How many acres?
  3. Good morning Lawrence, and Thanks. I was happy how the hinges turned out, this was my first attempt at soldering so it took a few tries until I got it right
  4. Well Hello Mike, good to hear from you. Thanks. Hopefully your shipyard is coming along and will be open soon.
  5. Hi Bob, Thanks for the compliment. They were a lot of fun to build, one of my favourite parts this hobby
  6. What Wefalck is describing is what we would call a "shooting board" although somewhat oversized to what is normally used in a shop. It is an excellent idea for your requirements. In this case it was used to provide a smooth surface to roll out the dough, pasta or pastry. Counter tops were not all perfectly smooth or made of marble , contrary to popular belief, so this was the next option and at this size it would easily cover a sink increasing the counter size even more. A good inexpensive solution, and easy to stow away.
  7. Nice work, the painting looks good. I found that paint brushes are not the place to cheap out on, a good brush does make a big difference. Looking forward to more updates
  8. Beautiful build, your model makes me really wonder how these babes would have looked back in the day. Great stuff!!!
  9. Looks great and with all the improvements you have planned I have just booked a permanent front row seat
  10. Yup, she is looking cool. Keep up the good work and.............it is tomorrow your time.............where is update?
  11. http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/Deck_PlankingIIbuttshifts.pdf, try this. It is on the NRG site
  12. Thanks E.J., I'm always happy to hear your comments. I think it is time to do the decking now and get it behind me, one step closer to the masts and rigging then.
  13. Thanks Zoran. I am going over the plans and I see what you are pointing out and I knew it was supposed to be like that, not sure where the heck my mind is some days . So before I get too mad at myself and start tearing things apart I am getting dressed, going to the store and buying a pack of smokes(trying to quit) coming home and have a drink or two and a few smokes to calm down maybe then I'll come up with a solution to this. Thanks for pointing this out.
  14. Thanks Zoltan, cherry is a real nice wood to work with and looks good too. It is reasonably priced compared to other woods which also gives it another bonus. Congrats on the house purchase, are you planning on having a full blown workshop in the basement(power tools etc.)?
  15. Top rail black walnut, cherry planking, walnut wales then cherry for hull planking. Then the gun port linings walnut, is this what you are saying? If so sounds like a nice combo. All depends how much colour you like, you could easily squeeze in some swiss pear also My Batelina build is of cherry and walnut if you are curious as to how they look together
  16. Thanks Ian, the kit supplied wood for the deck is cherrywood so I am thinking it should it should all come together nicely
  17. These guys are also in Canada, real good to deal with and Canadian dollar http://www.greathobbies.com/search/results/
  18. You can try here, they have some strip wood. Located in Canada but prices are in American dollars??? http://castyouranchorhobby.com/Item/53046
  19. Here is the last little bit for today the aft hatch, again there is a lack of pictures. Not sure what I was thinking this past week but it certainly wasn't about photography in this picture it is finished but I wasn't happy with how it looked. Where top meets up with the frame just did not look finished and I never noticed the chip in the front panel until it was too late............so here is my fix Added a handle and another step.............it's step week . I think it looks ok, then I sprayed it with four coats of satin varathane. And the ladders for both hatches, both made from all kit material. I have cleaned off that piece of dust on the one rung after seeing this picture . These also have been sprayed four times So I guess it's now time for the deck, or I could do the masts Thanks for stopping in Later
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