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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. Bob, Bob, Bob , you are right she does leave more on the grass for me, I just didn't think a picture was appropriate
  2. Julie Mo, Thanks for your comment. I am happy with her and if this build has given you ideas or inspiration that makes me even happier
  3. It's looking fine and will be sweet when done. I always glue the edges of the planks, it helps when it comes time to sand, the planks don't "bounce" and you can get a smoother finish. Great work.
  4. Thanks Dave, the minimal cost of this kit and for what you get makes it a great deal. With your skills in painting with wood and detailing you would have a blast with her.
  5. That will look awesome, I love the looks of these boats with their super shiny hulls and decks. I have never worked with fibreglass/resin, I am really interested in seeing how it is done
  6. Your first build and only two weeks into it, I'd say you are doing a fine job. We all make mistakes and learn by them, take your time and enjoy. Which Bounty are you planning on building?
  7. Thanks Scott for having a look and for your compliment, having a look at your list of completions this means a lot coming from you
  8. Hi Greg: She certainly is no Endeavour but she was so much fun to build and the scale was a real treat
  9. Good Morning Robin, I am fortunate enough to be retired and currently have no admiral so allocating more time to ship building only takes one vote which happens to be mine. Thanks so much for stopping in
  10. John: well this is my second laugh of the day, Thanks. I will consider astro turf if you consider coming to help install it
  11. Hello Jeff: Great of you to stop in, Thanks, the fishing gear was something I thought of just in the last couple days of the build. I wish I would have taken more pictures of making it all
  12. Hey Chris: it's 4:30 in the morning here and you gave me my first laugh of the day. Thanks for that and Thanks for stopping, haven't heard from you for awhile.They are calling for possible rain today so outdoor activities may have to be cancelled, not sure what a guy could possibly do all day inside
  13. Frank: Thanks for that, she took me 2 1/2 weeks to build I'm not sure how many hours it was but she is a kit I would highly reccomend
  14. Ian: Thanks for the compliment. I just love the "spread", it keeps me busy in the summer but it isn't like work when you enjoy what you are doing.
  15. Completed, and as promised here are some outside pictures: Here is my fleet My newly seeded grass This is what my dog plants in the grass for me and what I picked up today, notice the one in the middle.....I didn't see it in time Well that is it for this log. Thanks to all who stopped by and I hope you all enjoyed Time for more ship building
  16. Bob, Thanks Bob, the details are the fun part especially at this scale Joe, Thanks a lot. I have a few more outside pics to share then I'll call her complete
  17. First up is Thanks Ian, Joe and Dave for your comments and Thanks to all for your likes Well she is done and I can say I am impressed with the outcome. Towards the end of the build I was getting a lot of childhood memories of fishing at the river and the many trips I had made. It is with these memories I made the fishing poles as these are exactly what I used. The first trip to the river every year you rode your bike with pockets full of line and hooks to the river. Upon arrival the next thing was to find a river willow branch to use as a pole, tie your line to it, wrap it around the branch add a hook and bobber and you were ready to fish. It was in reality the most primitive level of fly fishing you could imagine. Trying to cast the line, hook and bobber into the water without snagging trees, friends or anything else within a thirty foot radius was beyond challenging. Heck we had hook pierced ears and lips before it was cool. It was always my dream to have a little boat to get my hook to that “special” spot in the river, where it was impossible to get to from the shore. And with the Batelina being 4 meters long she would have been a virtual yacht in my eyes. Along with this thought was to have something to hold your poles while laying back and dreaming of something even bigger and better. Bigger and better really meant to have a real lure and not just a single hook with a worm on it, so I made a couple of those for my poles also. What you are looking at is what my childhood dream would have been. I mean really can you not imagine yourself in this little baby, laid back, fishing and no devices. Like I am talking about before eight tracks, vinyl was the king (and still is) and man only looked at the moon. Only thing I wanted to walk on was the muddy river bank and search for the lost Spanish gold (didn’t know back then there was no Spanish conquistadors in Canada ), hey we were Indiana Jones before he was even born. Building the Batelina has brought back these memories for me and I hope that reading my log brings back some memories for you also. Thank You All for stopping in, Take Care Drilling out and cutting off the rod holders, a job virtually impossible without a $1200 lathe The fishing poles and the start of the fish box, never really needed anything like this for fish, but you never knew when you might run into some treasure of sorts As she sits now with poles, lures,holders, fish box, filleting knife and spare spool of line. The anchor is unsecured at the moment as I am waiting for some line coming from Syren. I want to get some outside pictures and will post them, but will have to wait until rain stops. Later
  18. Hey Mike, those rows of armament are going to look so impressive, great work. Not the most enjoyable part of a build but you are doing a real fine job. I think I said it before here on your log and I'll say it again, that frapping looks awesome. Defiantly worth the headaches you maybe going through, sweet sweet .
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